View Full Version : Keyboard layout > BadUSB ?

May 28th, 2015, 05:48 PM
[...] The current method that BADUSB operates is a programmable keyboard type attack, not mouse. it would be very hard to do anything malicious with a mouse type attack because the mouse doesn't 'see' where the cursor is at. about the only thing you could do is move the mouse around at random so the user couldn't do anything.[...]

If that's all BadUSB does currently, does it depend on correct keyboard layout? The fact that you must select the correct layout suggests that keyboard input is ultimately interpreted by the OS. If I switch to a Thai layout, all English command lines are rendered nonsense. Would it render the BadUSB input nonsense as well? Fortunately OnBoard comes pre-installed, and you can alternate between layouts with Super + Space. Perhaps you could even log the input and translate it to what it would have said in English.