View Full Version : c++ stl map

May 19th, 2015, 08:54 PM
I have the following map :

listOfPolicyRuleInfo CPCRF::m_mlistOfCliConfiguredPolicyRules;

where typedef map<string, PolicyRuleInfo> listOfPolicyRuleInfo;

where PolicyRuleInfo is a struct

struct PolicyRuleInfo{
BearerQoSInfo stBearerQoS;
TFTInfo stTFTInfo;
PolicyRuleInfo( BearerQoSInfo const& qos, TFTInfo const& tft)
: stBearerQoS(qos), stTFTInfo(tft)
{ }
listOfPolicyRuleInfo m_mlistOfCliConfiguredPolicyRules =
boost::assign::map_list_of("PolicyRule_Fred", PolicyRuleInfo( BearerQoSInfo(9), TFTInfo()))
("PolicyRule_Voice_C", PolicyRuleInfo( BearerQoSInfo(5), TFTInfo()))
("PolicyRule_Voice_U", PolicyRuleInfo( BearerQoSInfo(1), TFTInfo()));

Above are the data strutures. Now within the code somewhere ,

listOfPolicyRuleInfo::iterator it = m_mlistOfCliConfiguredPolicyRules.find("PolicyRule_Fred");

I get error when i try to print the contents of it.

on gdb i see the list

(gdb)p m_mlistOfCliConfiguredPolicyRules
["PolicyRule_Fred"] = {stBearerQoS = {nQCI = 9, nMaxUlBitRate = 0, nMaxDlBitRate = 0,
nGuarUlBitRate = 0, nGuarDlBitRate = 0, nPriorityLevel = 15,
bPreEmptionCapabilityEnabled = false, bPreEmptionVulnerabilityEnabled = true,
bQoSModified = false}, stTFTInfo = {static IPV4CompLen = 9 '\t',
static PiNhCompLen = 2 '\002', static SinglePortCompLen = 3 '\003',
static PortRangeCompLen = 5 '\005', static TypeOfServiceCompLen = 3 '\003',
static FilterHdrLen = 3 '\003', nTFTLen = 0, eOpCode = 3653872, bEBit = false,
nNumPktFilters = 0 '\000', mFilterId2TFTFilters = std::map with 0 elements,
vTFTParams = std::vector of length 0, capacity 0}},

["PolicyRule_Voice_C"] = {stBearerQoS = {nQCI = 5, nMaxUlBitRate = 0, nMaxDlBitRate = 0,
nGuarUlBitRate = 0, nGuarDlBitRate = 0, nPriorityLevel = 15,
bPreEmptionCapabilityEnabled = false, bPreEmptionVulnerabilityEnabled = true,
bQoSModified = false}, stTFTInfo = {static IPV4CompLen = 9 '\t',
static PiNhCompLen = 2 '\002', static SinglePortCompLen = 3 '\003',
static PortRangeCompLen = 5 '\005', static TypeOfServiceCompLen = 3 '\003',
static FilterHdrLen = 3 '\003', nTFTLen = 0, eOpCode = 3943806, bEBit = false,
nNumPktFilters = 0 '\000', mFilterId2TFTFilters = std::map with 0 elements,
vTFTParams = std::vector of length 0, capacity 0}},

["PolicyRule_Voice_U"] = {stBearerQoS = {nQCI = 1, nMaxUlBitRate = 0, nMaxDlBitRate = 0,
nGuarUlBitRate = 0, nGuarDlBitRate = 0, nPriorityLevel = 15,
bPreEmptionCapabilityEnabled = false, bPreEmptionVulnerabilityEnabled = true,
bQoSModified = false}, stTFTInfo = {static IPV4CompLen = 9 '\t',
static PiNhCompLen = 2 '\002', static SinglePortCompLen = 3 '\003',
static PortRangeCompLen = 5 '\005', static TypeOfServiceCompLen = 3 '\003',
static FilterHdrLen = 3 '\003', nTFTLen = 0, eOpCode = 4870778, bEBit = false,
nNumPktFilters = 0 '\000', mFilterId2TFTFilters = std::map with 0 elements,
vTFTParams = std::vector of length 0, capacity 0}}
(gdb) p it
$6 = {first = Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/lib/../share/gdb/python/libstdcxx/v6/printers.py", line 558, in to_string
return self.val['_M_dataplus']['_M_p'].lazy_string (length = len)
RuntimeError: Cannot access memory at address 0xfffffff4
, second = {stBearerQoS = {nQCI = 0, nMaxUlBitRate = 0, nMaxDlBitRate = 0,
nGuarUlBitRate = 172411760, nGuarDlBitRate = 172411760, nPriorityLevel = 0,
bPreEmptionCapabilityEnabled = false, bPreEmptionVulnerabilityEnabled = false,
bQoSModified = false}, stTFTInfo = {static IPV4CompLen = 9 '\t',
static PiNhCompLen = 2 '\002', static SinglePortCompLen = 3 '\003',
static PortRangeCompLen = 5 '\005', static TypeOfServiceCompLen = 3 '\003',
static FilterHdrLen = 3 '\003', nTFTLen = 0, eOpCode = 174849016, bEBit = 128,
nNumPktFilters = 251 '\373', mFilterId2TFTFilters = std::map with 0 elements,
vTFTParams = std::vector of length 0, capacity 0}}}

Could some c++ stl experts help me with this issue please ?
