View Full Version : [Other Ubuntu/Debian based] Black Lab Linux 6.5 SR1 Released

May 18th, 2015, 04:25 PM
Monday May 11, 2015 we are releasing Black Lab Linux 6.5 SR1. Black Lab Linux 6.5 SR1 is the first service release of the free release of our distribution. This included all security and bug fixes from our initial release until May 6, 2015 which includes several important bug fixes.

Along with security fixes Black Lab Linux 6.5 SR1 completes our transition to one standard desktop, KDE. Black Lab Linux 6.5 SR1 will not have separate ISO's of the different desktops but you can download and install alternative desktop environments from the repositories.

Respins. We have community members who will be producing respins of Black Lab Linux with XFCE, Mate and we have one working on a CDE respin. We will be hosting these respins on Sourceforge but there will only be community support for these respins.

Black Lab Linux 6.5 SR1 has included the following fixes:

Kernel 3.16.0-36
The Ubuntu LTS Compatible kernel 3.13.0-52
Firefox 37.0.2
Thunderbird 31.6
KDE Desktop Sharing for remote access
Timeshift which allows you to create "restore points" so you can restore your desktop to an earlier state
KolourPaint for basic image editing

More information at the website:
