View Full Version : Gcstar collection manager

May 10th, 2015, 12:09 PM
Hi all,

I've been using GCstar collection manager for a while, to keep track of my huge disc collection.
Unfortunately the application is not maintained anymore and many plugins to fetch data from website went out of date.

I fixed the Discogs plugin, but it seems there is no way to contact the developers and the GCstar forum doen not allow to post.

What should I do with that code? How do I give it back to the community?

package GCPlugins::GCmusics::GCDiscogs;

################################################## #
# Copyright 2005-2010 Christian Jodar
# Modified by Marco Venturini 2015
# This file is part of GCstar.
# GCstar is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# GCstar is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with GCstar; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
################################################## #

use strict;
use utf8;
use JSON;

use GCPlugins::GCmusics::GCmusicsCommon;

package GCPlugins::GCmusics::GCPluginDiscogs;

use base 'GCPlugins::GCmusics::GCmusicsPluginsBase';
use XML::Simple;
use constant idString => "&token=UQcTbFJYjsLcxFkxWhvLLWTUZetVkFdYuQHXGeuV";
use constant resultsPerPage => "30";

sub parse
my ($self, $page) = @_;

my $json = JSON->new->utf8;
my $json_text = $page;
my $json_decoded = $json->decode( $json_text );

#return if $page =~ /^<!DOCTYPE html/;
my $xml;
my $xs = XML::Simple->new;
my $key = $self->{searchField};
if ($self->{parsingList})
if ( $key eq 'artist' )

# #$xml = $xs->XMLin($page);
# my $artist = $xml -> {'artist'} -> {'name'};
# my $release;
# foreach $release ( keys( %{ $xml -> {'artist'} -> {'releases'} -> {'release'} } ) )
# {
# $self->{itemIdx}++;
# my $title = $xml -> {'artist'} -> {'releases'} -> {'release'} -> {$release} -> {'title'};
# $self->{itemsList}[$self->{itemIdx}]->{url} = "https://api.discogs.com/releases/".$release;
# $self->{itemsList}[$self->{itemIdx}]->{title} = $title;
# # Enleve les blancs en debut de chaine
# $self->{itemsList}[$self->{itemIdx}]->{title} =~ s/^\s+//;
# $self->{itemsList}[$self->{itemIdx}]->{artist} = $artist;
# # Enleve les blancs en fin de chaine
# $self->{itemsList}[$self->{itemIdx}]->{artist} =~ s/\s+$//;
# }

elsif ( $key eq 'label' )
#$xml = $xs->XMLin($page);
#my $release;
#foreach $release ( keys( %{ $xml -> {'label'} -> {'releases'} -> {'release'} } ) )
# $self->{itemIdx}++;
# my $title = $xml -> {'label'} -> {'releases'} -> {'release'} -> {$release} -> {'title'};
# my $artist = $xml -> {'label'} -> {'releases'} -> {'release'} -> {$release} -> {'artist'};
# $self->{itemsList}[$self->{itemIdx}]->{url} = "https://api.discogs.com/releases/".$release;
# $self->{itemsList}[$self->{itemIdx}]->{title} = $title;
# # Enleve les blancs en debut de chaine
# $self->{itemsList}[$self->{itemIdx}]->{title} =~ s/^\s+//;
# $self->{itemsList}[$self->{itemIdx}]->{artist} = $artist;
# # Enleve les blancs en fin de chaine
# $self->{itemsList}[$self->{itemIdx}]->{artist} =~ s/\s+$//;
# }
#$xml = $xs->XMLin($page,
# ForceArray => ['result', 'event'],
# KeyAttr => {'release' => ''});
my $release;

#foreach $release ( @{ $xml->{'searchresults'}->{result} } )
foreach $release ( @{$json_decoded->{results}})
if ($release->{type} eq 'release')
$self->{itemsList}[$self->{itemIdx}]->{url} = $release->{uri};
$self->{itemsList}[$self->{itemIdx}]->{release} = $release->{year};

my $found = index($release->{title},"-");
if ( $found >= 0 )

$self->{itemsList}[$self->{itemIdx}]->{title} = substr($release->{title}, $found +length('-'),length($release->{title})- $found -length('-'));
# Enleve les blancs en debut de chaine
$self->{itemsList}[$self->{itemIdx}]->{title} =~ s/^\s+//;

$self->{itemsList}[$self->{itemIdx}]->{artist} = substr($release->{title}, 0, $found);
# Enleve les blancs en fin de chaine
$self->{itemsList}[$self->{itemIdx}]->{artist} =~ s/\s+$//;

# Clean up release summary
my $tmpTitle = $release->{title};
$tmpTitle =~ s/\- //;

# Unsure about this line, seems to not be required anymore, and is breaking parsing
# of search results. EG - searching for "raw animals"
# $self->{itemsList}[$self->{itemIdx}]->{release} =~ s/^$tmpTitle //;
$self->{itemsList}[$self->{itemIdx}]->{title} = $release->{title};
# $xml = $xs->XMLin($page,
# ForceArray => ['track', 'artist', 'image', 'label', 'genre', 'format'],
# KeyAttr => {'track' => ''});
$self->{curInfo}->{title} = $json_decoded->{title};
$self->{curInfo}->{artist} = '';
for my $art (@{$json_decoded->{artists}})
$self->{curInfo}->{artist} .= $art->{name}.', ';
$self->{curInfo}->{artist} =~ s/, $//;
$self->{curInfo}->{producer} = '';
$self->{curInfo}->{composer} = '';
for my $rel (@{$json_decoded->{extraartists}})
$self->{curInfo}->{producer} .= $rel->{name}.', '
if $rel->{role} eq 'Producer';
$self->{curInfo}->{composer} .= $rel->{name}.', '
if (($rel->{role} eq 'Composed By') || ($rel->{role} eq 'Score') || ($rel->{role} eq 'Songwriter') || ($rel->{role} eq 'Written-By'));
$self->{curInfo}->{producer} =~ s/, $//;
$self->{curInfo}->{composer} =~ s/, $//;
$self->{curInfo}->{release} = $json_decoded->{released};
for my $track(@{$json_decoded->{'tracklist'}})
my $duree = $track->{duration};
$duree =~ /([0-9]+):([0-9]+)/;
my $duree2 = int($1*60 + $2);
my $position = "";
# Sometimes the position is missing, which causes it to be an array
if (!ref($track->{position}))
$position = $track->{position};
$self->addTrack($track->{title}, $duree2, $position);
$self->{curInfo}->{tracks} = $self->getTracks;
$self->{curInfo}->{running} = $self->getTotalTime;
#for my $cover(@{$json_decoded->{images}->{image}})
# if ($self->{curInfo}->{cover} eq '')
# {
# if ($self->{bigPics})
# {
# $self->{curInfo}->{cover} = $cover->{uri};
# }
# else
# {
# $self->{curInfo}->{cover} = $cover->{uri};
# # Change to small res cover
# $self->{curInfo}->{cover} =~ s/image\/R-/image\/R-150-/;
# }
# }
$self->{curInfo}->{label} = '';
for my $label (@{$json_decoded->{labels}})
$self->{curInfo}->{label} .= $label->{name}.', ';
$self->{curInfo}->{label} =~ s/, $//;
$self->{curInfo}->{genre} = '';
for my $genre (@{$json_decoded->{genres}})
$self->{curInfo}->{genre} .= $genre.',';
$self->{curInfo}->{genre} =~ s/,$//;
$self->{curInfo}->{origin} = $json_decoded->{country};
$self->{curInfo}->{origin} =~ s/,$//;
for my $format(@{$json_decoded->{formats}})
if ( $self->{curInfo}->{format} eq '')
$self->{curInfo}->{format} = $format->{name};
$self->{curInfo}->{format} =~ s/,$//;
$self->{curInfo}->{web} = "https://api.discogs.com/releases/" . $json_decoded->{id};

sub new
my $proto = shift;
my $class = ref($proto) || $proto;
my $self = $class->SUPER::new();
bless ($self, $class);

$self->{hasField} = {
title => 1,
artist => 1,
release => 1

return $self;

sub preProcess
my ($self, $html) = @_;

return $html;

sub decodeEntitiesWanted
return 0;

sub getSearchUrl
my ($self, $word) = @_;

my $key = $self->{searchField};
my $url;
if ( $key eq 'title' )
#$url = "http://api.discogs.com/search?type=all&q=". $word ."&f=xml&api_key=e8f5ae8ba2";
$url = "https://api.discogs.com/database/search?release_title=". $word ."&per_page=". resultsPerPage ."&page=1".idString;
elsif ( $key eq 'artist' )
#$url = "http://api.discogs.com/". $key ."/". $word ."?f=xml&api_key=e8f5ae8ba2";
$url = "https://api.discogs.com/database/search?artist=". $word ."&per_page=". resultsPerPage ."&page=1".idString;
elsif ( $key eq 'label' )
#$url = "http://api.discogs.com/". $key ."/". $word ."?f=xml&api_key=e8f5ae8ba2";
$url = "https://api.discogs.com/database/search?label=". $word ."&per_page=". resultsPerPage ."&page=1".idString;

return $url;
# return "http://api.discogs.com/search?type=all&q=". $word ."&f=xml&api_key=e8f5ae8ba2";

sub getItemUrl
my ($self, $url) = @_;
if (!$url)
# If we're not passed a url, return a hint so that gcstar knows what type
# of addresses this plugin handles
$url = "http://www.discogs.com";
# Url isn't for the discogs api, so we need to find the release id
# and return a url corresponding to the api page for this release
my @urlParts = split /\//, $url;
my $urlPartsLastIdx = @urlParts -1;
$url = "https://api.discogs.com/releases/".$urlParts[$urlPartsLastIdx];

return $url;

sub changeUrl
my ($self, $url) = @_;

return $self->getItemUrl($url);

sub getName
return 'Discogs';

sub getAuthor
return 'TPF';

sub getLang
return 'EN';

sub getCharset
my $self = shift;

return "UTF-8";

sub getSearchCharset
my $self = shift;

# Need urls to be double character encoded
return "utf8";

sub convertCharset
my ($self, $value) = @_;
return $value;

sub getNotConverted
my $self = shift;
return [];

sub getSearchFieldsArray
return ['title', 'artist', 'label'];


May 10th, 2015, 01:11 PM
Post to github

May 15th, 2015, 06:00 PM
there seem that no repository exists there (nor under sourceforge) for gcstart... correct?

May 15th, 2015, 06:02 PM
Hi all,

I've been using GCstar collection manager for a while, to keep track of my huge disc collection.
Unfortunately the application is not maintained anymore and many plugins to fetch data from website went out of date.

I fixed the Discogs plugin, but it seems there is no way to contact the developers and the GCstar forum doen not allow to post.

What should I do with that code? How do I give it back to the community?
Here you go: http://www.gcstar.org/contribute.en.php

May 20th, 2015, 11:07 PM
The website is online but unmantained, do you have any contact with the developers or you just googled?

May 21st, 2015, 09:54 AM
The website is online but unmantained, do you have any contact with the developers or you just googled?
Sorry, no contacts at all, I simply googled it.