View Full Version : A few questions... sorry if this is the wrong place!!!

April 27th, 2015, 09:36 PM
Hi peeps...

Not sure if i've got the right forum for this...

Looking to use my Xubuntu workstation for building games, 3D and 2D art and have a few questioins...

Firstly... Wacom Control Panel... any idea's why it doesnt work in xubuntu native?? is there a way to map the tablet to a screen manually?

Secondly... Manga Studio... has anyone managed to get it to work? I've got it to install fine ubt when i use it with my wacom intuos 3 whenever the pen goes over the canvas it disappears and i can't draw anything... any ideas?

Thirdly... any suggestions for gimp plug ins to make it good?? :) I don't mind it but i'm not that used to it... any tips to make it more photoshop/manga studio like? or even painter like? or even a way to setup different launch options so i have one set up for photo stuff, one for painting etc??? any good places for tutorials???

April 27th, 2015, 09:55 PM

This is really three separate questions about things other than art and design.

It would be best if you were to create three separate threads - so each can be answered individually without confusion - in General Help.

To avoid having a mish-mash of answers in two places, I'm going to close this thread.

I think you'll get plenty of help on each of these three.
