View Full Version : Bash script to convert files using ffmpeg

August 1st, 2006, 03:01 PM
Hi I'm tryihg to write a bash script that will help me when i have downloaded flv files from youtube etc. The idea is to have a script that will do three things (initially, and be expanded to be more complex later perhaps):

- Convert a file from flv to mpg
- Delete the flv file (if requested)
- Allow user to rename the mpg file to whatever they want (I know this could be done using a $2 variable, but I would prefer not to).

I'd appreciate it if people would look over it and let me know how to make this into a working script, as I am very new to bash and have just thrown together some thoughts based upon what I already know.

# script written to convert flvs from places like youtube and googlevideos to mpg files.
# note to self: $1 = 'flv filename'
# todo:
# - sort the rename function out
# - combine the functions
# - make te script able to deal with multiple files
# - enable input variable to be the url, and make the script find the correct url to download and then convert

# Convert Function #
#this coverts the flv file specified ($1) to mpg

function convert {
ffmpeg -i $1 -ab 56 -ar 22050 -b 500 -s 320x240 $name

# -ab = averate bitrate of music (default=64)
# -ar = averate sampling rate
# -b =
# -s = resize

# Rename Function #
#this function asks what you want to call the new file created, and acts accordingly.

function rename {
echo "By default the file will be named $1.mpg - do you want to change this?"
if [ "$rename_answer" = "y" ];
then echo "What do you want to call it?"
read name
echo "Converting flv file to $name"
elif [ "$rename_answer" = "n" ];
echo "Converting file to $1.mpg"

# Deletion Function #
#this function asks if you want to delete the original file and acts accordingly.

function flvdelete {

echo "Do you want to delete original flv file? (Y/N)"

read reply

if [ "$reply" = "y" ];
then rm $1
echo "File deleted: $1"

elif [ "$reply" = "n" ];
then echo "Leaving file intact: $1"


# Main Script #

$rename ;
$convert ;


August 2nd, 2006, 10:14 AM
I have written the script now, but am unsure how to go about enabling it to have more than one target file (i.e. do a batch of files).

# script written to convert flvs from places like youtube and googlevideos to mpg files.
# note to self: $1 = 'flv filename'
# todo:
# - make the script able to deal with multiple files
# - enable input variable to be the url, and make the script find the correct url to download and then convert?


# Convert Function #
#this coverts the flv file specified ($1) to mpg

function convert {
ffmpeg -i $flv_file -ab 56 -ar 22050 -b 500 -s 320x240 $name.mpg

# Variables declared in above line (brackets are defaults used if option is omitted)
# -ab = averate bitrate of music in kbit/s (default = 64)
# -ar = audio sampling frequency (default = 44100 Hz)
# -b = video bitrate in kbit/s (default = 200 kb/s)
# -s = set frame size (wxh) (default = 160x128)

# Rename Function #
#this function asks what you want to call the new file created, and acts accordingly.

rename ()
echo "By default the file will be named $flv_file.mpg - do you want to change this? (Y/N)"
read rename_answer
if [ "$rename_answer" = "y" ];
then echo "What do you want to call it? (.mpg will automatically be appended to the filename)"
read name
echo "Converting flv file to $name.mpg"

else [ "$rename_answer" = "n" ];
echo "Converting file to $name"


# Deletion Function #
#this function asks if you want to delete the original file and acts accordingly.

function flvdelete {

echo "Do you want to delete the original flv file? (Y/N)"

read reply

if [ "$reply" = "y" ];
then rm $flv_file
echo "File deleted: $flv_file" #should I build in some kind of detection of 'need to be root to delete'?

elif [ "$reply" = "n" ];
then echo "Leaving file alone: $flv_file"


# Main Script #

rename ;
convert ;


February 15th, 2007, 05:20 AM
after $ sudo apt-get install ffmpeg, it work fine !!


PS : anyfirefox plugin or deb package to come ?