View Full Version : Gnome 3 Themes vs Unity Themes?

March 21st, 2015, 12:06 AM
I'm the guy that always has to have his theme match perfectly across everything. And currently am running Ubuntu GNOME 14.10. My problem is getting a shell theme that actually precisely matches the colors of a GTK3/2 theme. Some get reeeeally close but nothing seems a perfect match. Either the menu highlights are slightly different shades of blue [drives my perfectionist brain nuts] or the top bar is black where as the GTK theme isn't etc...

So I have two main questions.

1.) Do you know of a Gnome Shell [3.12 compatible] theme and a GTK3/2 theme that match perfectly or are built together as a cohesive theme?

2.) When theming Unity in regular Ubuntu does the GTK3/2 theme apply to windows as well as the top taskbar essentially eliminating the problem I'm having in Gnome 3?

I know it's somewhat trivial but it drives me nuts so am looking for aid from this awesome community. Hopefully I put this thread in the correct spot. Thanks!

**PS I prefer themes that are easy to look at but look nice and modern [not win95 like].

March 21st, 2015, 02:51 PM
try these if your still about

Frogs Hair
March 21st, 2015, 03:25 PM
Some themes are specifically made by gnome shell users and don't incorporate all aspects of the unity desktop. One example is the software center often left out by those who don't use it. When downloading a theme for manual installation it is not a bad idea look at the extracted folder contents to see if there is a Unity theme included. Some themes will even include fixes for applications such as the software center and what's included depends on the themes developer.