View Full Version : g++ compiling programs with .h files

February 26th, 2015, 11:28 PM
Hi! I'm trying to comple a .cpp file:


using namespace std;
using namespace Cole;

int main()

//create our savingsAccout objects
SavingsAccount savings1, savings2;

//bool var used to validate interest
bool valInterest = true;

//used to temporarly stor such things as balances and interest rates
double tempDouble;

//greeting for user
cout << "Hello! This program demonstrates the SavingsAccount class!\nIt will allow you to enter the initial values of two savings accouts\n";
cout << "and allow you to choose a common interest rate for the two\n";

//get initial savings accout balances
cout << "Please input the inital budge for the first savings accout: ";
cin >> tempDouble;

cout << "Please input the inital budget for the second savings accout: ";
cin >> tempDouble;

//set inital interest rate
cout << "Please enter a percent as the interest rate (Example: 50 = 50% .5 = 0.5%): ";
cin >> tempDouble;

valInterest = SavingsAccount::setInterestRate(tempDouble);

//validate data
while (valInterest == false)
cout << "Invalid entry, please enter a percent as the interest rate (Example: 50 = 50% .5 = 0.5%): ";
cin >> tempDouble;

valInterest = SavingsAccount::setInterestRate(tempDouble);


//we want our output to look like dollars and cents
cout << setprecision(2) << fixed;
cout << "After one month, the balance of the first accout will be $" << savings1.calcMonthlyInterest() << endl;
cout << "After one month, the balance of the second accout will be $" << savings2.calcMonthlyInterest() << endl;

//allow for a new percentage to be inputted
cout << "Please enter a new percent as the interest rate (Example: 50 = 50% .5 = 0.5%): ";
cin >> tempDouble;

//this will validate the interest rate
valInterest = SavingsAccount::setInterestRate(tempDouble);

while (valInterest == false)
cout << "Invalid entry, please enter a percent as the interest rate between 0 and 50 percent: ";
cin >> tempDouble;

valInterest = SavingsAccount::setInterestRate(tempDouble);


//once again, read out the total ammount of both interest and principle
cout << "After another month, the balance of the first accout will be $" << savings1.calcMonthlyInterest() << endl;
cout << "After another month, the balance of the second accout will be $" << savings2.calcMonthlyInterest() << endl;

cout << "Thanks for using!\n";

return 0;

upon using the command line:

g++ file.cpp -o out.o

I get the following errors:

/tmp/ccg2fhXA.o: In function `main':
file.cpp:(.text+0xb5): undefined reference to `Cole::SavingsAccount::setBal(double)'
file.cpp:(.text+0xf7): undefined reference to `Cole::SavingsAccount::setBal(double)'
file.cpp:(.text+0x135): undefined reference to `Cole::SavingsAccount::setInterestRate(double)'
file.cpp:(.text+0x178): undefined reference to `Cole::SavingsAccount::setInterestRate(double)'
file.cpp:(.text+0x1ca): undefined reference to `Cole::SavingsAccount::calcMonthlyInterest()'
file.cpp:(.text+0x214): undefined reference to `Cole::SavingsAccount::calcMonthlyInterest()'
file.cpp:(.text+0x28d): undefined reference to `Cole::SavingsAccount::setInterestRate(double)'
file.cpp:(.text+0x2d0): undefined reference to `Cole::SavingsAccount::setInterestRate(double)'
file.cpp:(.text+0x2ed): undefined reference to `Cole::SavingsAccount::calcMonthlyInterest()'
file.cpp:(.text+0x337): undefined reference to `Cole::SavingsAccount::calcMonthlyInterest()'
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status

The .h file and the .cpp file for the SavingsAccount class are both found in the same directory as file.cpp . I have been searching for a solution online and I cant seem to find one. Any help would be greatly appriciated. Thanks!

February 26th, 2015, 11:54 PM
Welcome to the forums.

Assuming your other source file is Savings.cpp then:

g++ file.cpp Savings.cpp -o out.o

However, it would be somewhat strange to name the executable file out.o