View Full Version : loop with grep function

February 9th, 2015, 12:27 PM
Hi Ubuntu users,

I struggle to define a loop taking name in a first file (Bureau/taxa, each line of the file is a species name) and retrieving the line with the corresponding name and the DNA sequence associated in a second file (Bureau/conc_5genes.fas). The file Bureau/conc_5genes.fas is as follows:

>species1 ATTGTCTAT
>species2 TTGCATATC

Here is the loop:

for line in Bureau/taxa ;
grep '$line' Bureau/conc_5genes.fas >> Bureau/moldata_hostrecords;

Thank you for your help!

Lars Noodén
February 9th, 2015, 01:21 PM
The part '$line' uses single quotes. That means the contents will be literal. If you use double quotes instead "$line" then the contents will be processed and in this case the contents of the variable are used instead. That is probably what you meant to do with grep.

February 9th, 2015, 03:38 PM

sort -k1,1 Bureau/taxa | join <(sort -k1,1 Bureau/conc_5genes.fas) -
or, if both files are already sorted on the common field, just

join Bureau/{taxa,conc_5genes.fas}

February 10th, 2015, 12:11 PM
Thank you for the answers, but I found it by myself. I did as follows:


for line in $taxa
awk 'Begin
/'$line'/ {print ">"$0}' $moldata >> Bureau/moldata_hostplanttaxa.fas


The awk command allows me here to read the format of my DNA sequences (">" separate the sequences)

February 10th, 2015, 02:29 PM
Not that i understand the logic but what is the for loop supposed to do in the first place? It iterates over a single element with value = 'Bureau/taxa' and that's it.
in other words there is nothing that mandates a loop because you access only 1 unique value there.