View Full Version : [Elementary OS] No OS found on bootloader( assumed to be grub2)

December 23rd, 2014, 12:46 PM
Boot repair paste: http://paste2.org/VmABNJdj
Laptop model: Acer Aspire 4752G (Dual booting Win7 and elementary OS)

1)Installed elementary OS from a live USB.
2) Manually partitioned / and swap
3) Restarted and said no OS found
4) Used live USB to use boot repair
5) Boot repair said purge cancelled
6) I am sad, can't installed this for 3 days

December 23rd, 2014, 12:49 PM
Moved to the Ubuntu/Debian BASED sub-forum

December 24th, 2014, 06:55 PM
I do not read those boot scripts well, but I do not see the bootloader either.

Since this is a fresh install, I think the easy fix is just reinstall and this time (before the install) delete both linux partitions (sda5 and sda6) with gparted on the live installer. Note* this will make your system un-bootable until elementary is reinstalled.

Then install and use the option to install to largest free space instead of manual partition. It will then auto build the partitions and filesystem.

Maybe someone else will verify that I am reading the boot script right, but this is what I make of it.