View Full Version : [SOLVED] shell shell script to iterate a file line-by-line and delete current line

October 12th, 2014, 06:49 PM
Is it possible to write a shell script to iterate through a file line-by-line and delete the current line?

I have seen examples using sed to delete a particular line number(say line no.3 using sed '3d' filename.txt), but was unable to find a character for matching the current line.
Please note that the same line might be present at multiple places in the file, so matching for a pattern and deleting the line will not help.

I was looking for something like this,

while read line
echo $line
#delete current line before going to the next line
done < filename.txt


October 12th, 2014, 09:22 PM
What would be the difference with just

cat file
echo "" >file

Because in the end, you'll have displayed the whole file, and deleted all lines in it...

October 12th, 2014, 10:25 PM
you shouldn't really try to read and write to the exact same file at once. Nothing good will come out of it.

October 12th, 2014, 10:27 PM
Because in the end, you'll have displayed the whole file, and deleted all lines in it...
Hello ofnuts,
Nope, before deleting I plan to copy certain line numbers to a buffer etc and then delete the line from the file.

October 12th, 2014, 10:38 PM
you shouldn't really try to read and write to the exact same file at once. Nothing good will come out of it.
Vaphell, I thought about it.
Say, I want to have only certain lines of a file based on a condition(presence of a substring, say), so would you advise me to 1.Read the file, .2.copy all the lines matching the condition to a buffer and then 3.Write to the file ?
(Assume we are not using grep,awk,sed here and we're using just shell scripting.)

I was thinking that I could just read the file, and replace the lines that do not match the condition with blank space(or delete the line if there is such an option, so that even empty lines aren't seen)

Please let me know your thoughts.

October 12th, 2014, 11:08 PM
in pure bash you need some temporary structure, a string, an array or a file, to either store input or output. Reads and writes have to be performed on separate things. Iirc > inilitializes a 0-size file right off the bat in effect zeroing out inputs. Even sed -i does tempfile behind the curtains.

i'd probably use something like this

while read ln; do [[ $ln =~ pattern ]] && echo "$ln"; done < file1.txt > file2.txt
mv file2.txt file1.txt

if the output is small i might go for an array with arr+=( "$ln" ) inside the loop and then printf -- '%s\n' "${arr[@]}" > file1.txt after the loop.

October 13th, 2014, 08:44 AM
Hello ofnuts,
Nope, before deleting I plan to copy certain line numbers to a buffer etc and then delete the line from the file.

I still think that the display of the full file and the removal/selection of the lines do not need to be done together. What are you trying to achieve exactly?

October 15th, 2014, 02:51 AM
What are you trying to achieve exactly?
Sorry for the late reply, ofnuts.

Okay, I had this client-server program in which the server is logging all transactions to a file, with a special bit for success/failure. Every time a request comes from the client, it first checks if there are any (pending)'failure' transaction(that's where our file comes in) and if yes, it deletes that line from the file and then proceeds with the request. I was thinking if there was an alternate method to reading all the file contents to a buffer and rewriting them sans the failure request.

October 15th, 2014, 12:38 PM
No, on Linux filesystems, to remove a line in the middle of a file, you always end up reading the whole file and rewriting it, whether it is done explicitly or not. Not much of a problem usually as long as the size is reasonable.

But for this kind of use you should really be looking at using a database.

If you want to keep the file, you can do things differently:

grep the whole file for all records about the client
check if the last one is a failure.
when things turn out OK, append a "success" line.

this way you never need to rewrite the whole file (appending at the end is trivial). You still read the whole file but you are already doing that. And you keep a complete history of the failures.

October 15th, 2014, 02:22 PM
But for this kind of use you should really be looking at using a database.

:) Thanks ofnuts, I went ahead with a database.

If you want to keep the file, you can do things differently:

grep the whole file for all records about the client
check if the last one is a failure.
when things turn out OK, append a "success" line.

this way you never need to rewrite the whole file (appending at the end is trivial). You still read the whole file but you are already doing that. And you keep a complete history of the failures.