View Full Version : Themes

September 16th, 2014, 10:09 AM
Just curious what themes everyone enjoys, and where they get them besides gnome-look and the other -look sites. I've got one I really enjoy mostly so far, the black-out-gtk theme. Maybe share screenshots of your desktop with a few non-important windows open, to show off the borders and icons. The more showy and fancier the more I'd like to see, though I myself don't use one very complex. I'm always looking to trim down my title bar and the like.

September 16th, 2014, 11:14 AM
Every month a new screenshot(s) thread is started and added as a sticky here in the Cafe. The current one is here:


If you want to find the older threads, which have now been unstuck, use these search criteria in advanced search:

Keyword(s): screenshot OR screenshots (that is, type in "screenshot OR screenshots" without the quotes).

Select "Search titles only" in the dropdown to the right of the keyword field.

Select "The Cafe" in "Search in Forums".

Sort results by: Thread Start date in descending order.

Show results as: Threads.

Hours of fun!