View Full Version : [SOLVED] beginner in bash: delete _ from multiple file names

September 15th, 2014, 11:43 AM
I am trying to remove parts of the name of multiple files.
The files were for example called 341F-3-F1_X.fastq or 341F-2-A1_X.fastq
I managed to reduce the names to 3F1_.fastq or 2A1_.fastq. Now I would also like to remove the _ to make them e.g. 3F1.fastq (I should have probably remove it with the X) but the same script doesn't work for _ , I assume because _ has a different meaning. I used:

for old in directory/*.fastq
new=$(echo $old | sed 's/_//g')
mv "$old" "$new"

I am very new to scripting, and would be very thankful for some help.

September 15th, 2014, 01:35 PM
AFAIK there is nothing special about the underscore in regular expressions.

You can use the "rename" command. Basically it's an all-in-one "loop on file pattern; substitute part of the name, rename to new name".:

rename "s/_//g" directory/*.fastq

For your initial names, that would be (assuming you are in "directory")

rename -n 's/[^-]+-([^-]+)-([^_]+)_.\.fastq/$1$2.fastq/' *

In slow motion:

cut the name in three parts:

up to the first dash
anything from first to second dash
anything from second dash to following underscore (not included)

build the new name using parts 2 and 3 and append '.fastq'
remove "-n" when hapy with result (with "-n" it only shows what it would do)

September 15th, 2014, 02:34 PM
Thanks a lot, for your fast reply and especially for your detailed explanations.
It works now, however, the problem was not my code, but the folder name. I tried your 'rename-script' on a small batch, and it worked. Then I tried it again on the original folder and it didn't work either. I tried the same with mine, and it also worked on the small batch. It seems that it didn't work on the first folder, because the folder name has an underscore. At least this is the only reason I can imagine, since the two folders are in the same directory...
Anyway, at least I learned some bash!

September 15th, 2014, 04:45 PM
having examples of troublesome paths would be nice

that said, you should construct your regex in a way that marks the filename part explicitly so there can be no ambiguosity


first parenthesis should consume the dir, leaving only the filename up for grabs.

It's not bash but perl based rename though ;-)


for old in directory/*.fastq
IFS='-_.' read -r _ n1 n2 _ _ <<< "$fn"
echo mv "$old" "$dir/$n1$n2.fastq"

proof it works

$ old=/some/BS/341F-3-F1_X.fastq
$ dir=${old%/*}
$ fn=${old##*/}
$ IFS='-_.' read -r _ n1 n2 _ _ <<< "$fn"
$ echo "$dir/$n1$n2.fastq"

September 15th, 2014, 05:01 PM
OK, thanks.
Well it was like this:

bad path:

rename "s/_//g" /home/arb/Desktop/Joined_Fastq/*.fastq

good path:

rename "s/_//g" /home/arb/Desktop/test/*.fastq

But the interesting thing is that I only had problems with the Joined_Fastq path when i wanted to delete the underscore. For the numbers it worked fine.

September 15th, 2014, 05:17 PM
do you have your original names or did you change them already and now have that dangling _?
In case of originals being available, start from scratch and nail the workflow perfectly. In general it's a bad idea to make irreversible changes during work-in-progress.
If it's just the dangling _ in front of extension, use
