View Full Version : [SOLVED] 14.04: impossible to make tumbler use ffmpegthumbnailer.

August 13th, 2014, 12:37 AM

This post is only to help other users who find their selves in this situation. Tumbler, the XFCE Thunar's thumbnail generator, can use GStreamer and ffmpegthumbnailer for that task. However, GStreamer has some problems when it scans certain type of MPEG files. I don't know the reason, but it seems that it gets stuck and can't continue until it's restarted.

So I wanted to use ffmpegthumbnailer instead. I installed the package called "ffmpegtumbnailer", but it didn't worked. Then I edited the file /etc/xdg/tumbler/tumbler.rc, as it's suggested in several forums, in order to either lower the priority of GStreamer in contrast to ffmpegthumbnailer or disable it completely. None of these solutions worked either. I even copied such configuration file to ~/.config/tumbler/ without any luck.

Just by a chance I saw a package called "tumbler-plugins-extra" in the repositories. I installed it and... It worked! This package installs "libffmpegthumbnailer4" (the libraries) but NOT "ffmpegtumbnailer" (the program). It seems that Tumbler works directly with the libraries and doesn't need anything else.

Cheers :) .