View Full Version : ubuntu 14.04 terminal and minicom

August 11th, 2014, 01:55 PM
Hi guys,
I'm pretty sure this is a common issue, yet I find nothing about it via google. I guess not knowing what to google for exactly.
My problem is, after installing minicom, a common utility program to communicate with COM devices I was shocked to find it is USELESS under ubuntu 14.04:
it says to pres CTRL-A Z for menu: pressing those nothing :(
to exit people recommend CTRL-A Z X : pressing nothing :(
so I feel very awakward :( any advice?
also how to prevent in the future ?


August 11th, 2014, 01:56 PM
arghh, forget it, minicom is just very wierd ... so onem ust press ctr-a and not holding them press z :(
why people keep creating such nonsense in linux is beyond me, like vim !