View Full Version : Unity launcher mouse click minimize and maximize?

June 18th, 2014, 10:40 PM
i was wondering if anyone here can tell me if its possible to use your mouse wheel-down to minimize and it already has the function of mouse wheel up maximize ....i want to use it like a taskbar and not go to the side and click minimize every darn time ...any ideas or installations or anything?

June 19th, 2014, 03:58 AM
Moved to Desktop Environments

June 19th, 2014, 06:41 AM
You probably don't want to use your scroll button for this.
Have a look at easystroke mouse gestures.

Set a gesture for maximize and minimize using an existing keyboard shortcut and a wmctrl command.

sudo apt-get install easystroke wmctrl

This wmctrl command will toggle a focused window maximized/unmaximized...

wmctrl -r :ACTIVE: -b toggle,maximized_vert,maximized_horz

Set the wmctrl command to a gesture and your minimize shortcut key to another gesture.
In easystroke preferences I change the gesture button to 3 (right click) as I find that more natural.

The beauty of using easystroke is you can bring a familiarity to any desktop environment or installation.
Just need to copy over your ~/.easystroke folder.

June 19th, 2014, 08:25 AM
no i want to use mouse

June 19th, 2014, 09:40 AM
You can also bind mouse buttons to commands and keyboard shortcuts with easystroke.

Not sure if your aware or not but you can also enable minimize click for launcher icons in 14.04.

gsettings set org.compiz.unityshell:/org/compiz/profiles/unity/plugins/unityshell/ launcher-minimize-window true

June 19th, 2014, 12:08 PM
finally no i wasnt aware of that but finally i found something XD thanks ...