View Full Version : Ubuntu 14.04 Unity:Problems with Variety and Conky not playing well together.

June 10th, 2014, 09:50 PM
I just installed the Harmattan Conky yesterday. The problem I am having is that I also have Variety desktop. I have Variety set to change my desktop picture every 10 minutes. Whenever the picture changes, the previous picture remains around the border of Conky (see screenshot)
I've tried resizing conky, playing with border settings etc but I can't get it to look right.
Is there a setting in conky rc~?

EDIT: Update interval is set to 1.

Here's the conky file:

# Conky settings #
background yes
update_interval 1
double_buffer yes
no_buffers yes
imlib_cache_size 10

# Window specifications #
gap_x 40
gap_y 40
minimum_size 268 620
maximum_width 268
own_window yes
own_window_type override # other options are: override/dock/desktop/panel
own_window_transparent yes
own_window_hints undecorate,sticky,skip_taskbar,skip_pager,below
border_inner_margin 0
border_outer_margin 0
alignment top_right
#own_window_argb_visual yes
#own_window_argb_value 0

# Graphics settings #
draw_shades no
default_shade_color AAAAAA
draw_outline no
default_outline_color AAAAAA
draw_borders no
draw_graph_borders no
default_graph_size 26 80
show_graph_scale no
show_graph_range no

# Text settings #
use_xft yes
xftalpha 0
xftfont Droid Sans:size=8
text_buffer_size 256
override_utf8_locale yes

# Useful shortenings #
short_units yes
pad_percents 2
top_name_width 7

# Color scheme #
default_color F9F9F9
color1 FFFFFF
color2 F9F9F9
color3 F9F9F9
color4 F9F9F9
color5 DCDCDC
color6 F9F9F9
color7 F9F9F9
color8 F9F9F9
color9 666666

# Various images #
${execi 300 curl -s "http://weather.yahooapis.com/forecastrss?w=2418046&u=f" -o ~/.cache/weather.xml}
${image ~/.conky-weather/assets/Button/God-Mode/shadow.png -p 4,14 -s 260x591}\
${image ~/.conky-weather/assets/Button/God-Mode/fav-color-1.png -p 20,30 -s 228x61}\
${execi 300 cp -f ~/.conky-weather/icons/weather-photos-7/$(grep "yweather:condition" ~/.cache/weather.xml | grep -o "code=\"[^\"]*\"" | grep -o "\"[^\"]*\"" | grep -o "[^\"]*").png ~/.cache/weather.png}${image ~/.cache/weather.png -p 20,91 -s 228x86}\
${image ~/.conky-weather/assets/Button/God-Mode/fav-color-3.png -p 20,177 -s 228x86}\
${image ~/.conky-weather/assets/Button/God-Mode/fav-color-4.png -p 20,263 -s 228x105}\
${image ~/.conky-weather/assets/Button/God-Mode/fav-color-5.png -p 20,368 -s 228x105}\
${image ~/.conky-weather/assets/Button/God-Mode/fav-color-6.png -p 20,473 -s 228x119}\
${image ~/.conky-weather/assets/Button/God-Mode/fav-color-7.png -p 20,478 -s 228x14}\
${image ~/.conky-weather/assets/Button/God-Mode/separator-v.png -p 95,177 -s 1x92}\
${image ~/.conky-weather/assets/Button/God-Mode/separator-v.png -p 172,177 -s 1x92}\
${image ~/.conky-weather/assets/Button/God-Mode/separator-h.png -p 18,369 -s 232x1}\
${image ~/.conky-weather/assets/Button/God-Mode/separator-h.png -p 18,269 -s 232x1}\
# The days of the forecast #
${color3}${voffset 172}${alignc 77}${execi 300 grep "yweather:forecast" ~/.cache/weather.xml | grep -o "day=\"[^\"]*\"" | grep -o "\"[^\"]*\"" | grep -o "[^\"]*" | awk 'NR==1' | tr '[a-z]' '[A-Z]'}${color}
${color3}${voffset -13}${alignc}${execi 300 grep "yweather:forecast" ~/.cache/weather.xml | grep -o "day=\"[^\"]*\"" | grep -o "\"[^\"]*\"" | grep -o "[^\"]*" | awk 'NR==2' | tr '[a-z]' '[A-Z]'}${color}
${color3}${voffset -13}${alignc -77}${execi 300 grep "yweather:forecast" ~/.cache/weather.xml | grep -o "day=\"[^\"]*\"" | grep -o "\"[^\"]*\"" | grep -o "[^\"]*" | awk 'NR==3' | tr '[a-z]' '[A-Z]'}${color}
# The temperatures of the forecast #
${color2}${voffset 51}${alignc 77}${execi 300 grep "yweather:forecast" ~/.cache/weather.xml | grep -o "low=\"[^\"]*\"" | grep -o "\"[^\"]*\"" | grep -o "[^\"]*" | awk 'NR==1'}°/${execi 300 grep "yweather:forecast" ~/.cache/weather.xml | grep -o "high=\"[^\"]*\"" | grep -o "\"[^\"]*\"" | grep -o "[^\"]*" | awk 'NR==1'}°${color}
${color2}${voffset -13}${alignc}${execi 300 grep "yweather:forecast" ~/.cache/weather.xml | grep -o "low=\"[^\"]*\"" | grep -o "\"[^\"]*\"" | grep -o "[^\"]*" | awk 'NR==2'}°/${execi 300 grep "yweather:forecast" ~/.cache/weather.xml | grep -o "high=\"[^\"]*\"" | grep -o "\"[^\"]*\"" | grep -o "[^\"]*" | awk 'NR==2'}°${color}
${color2}${voffset -13}${alignc -77}${execi 300 grep "yweather:forecast" ~/.cache/weather.xml | grep -o "low=\"[^\"]*\"" | grep -o "\"[^\"]*\"" | grep -o "[^\"]*" | awk 'NR==3'}°/${execi 300 grep "yweather:forecast" ~/.cache/weather.xml | grep -o "high=\"[^\"]*\"" | grep -o "\"[^\"]*\"" | grep -o "[^\"]*" | awk 'NR==3'}°${color}
# The "conditions" section of the conky #
${goto 36}${voffset -172}${font Droid Sans :size=36}${color1}${execi 300 grep "yweather:condition" ~/.cache/weather.xml | grep -o "temp=\"[^\"]*\"" | grep -o "\"[^\"]*\"" | grep -o "[^\"]*"}°${font}${color}
${goto 46}${voffset 14}${font Droid Sans :size=12}${color1}${execi 300 grep "yweather:condition" ~/.cache/weather.xml | grep -o "text=\"[^\"]*\"" | grep -o "\"[^\"]*\"" | grep -o "[^\"]*"}${font}${color}
${color1}${alignr 52}${voffset -73}${execi 300 grep "yweather:atmosphere" ~/.cache/weather.xml | grep -o "pressure=\"[^\"]*\"" | grep -o "\"[^\"]*\"" | grep -o "[^\"]*"} ${execi 300 grep "yweather:units" ~/.cache/weather.xml | grep -o "pressure=\"[^\"]*\"" | grep -o "\"[^\"]*\"" | grep -o "[^\"]*"}
${color1}${alignr 52}${voffset 7}${execi 300 grep "yweather:atmosphere" ~/.cache/weather.xml | grep -o "humidity=\"[^\"]*\"" | grep -o "\"[^\"]*\"" | grep -o "[^\"]*"} %${color}
${color1}${alignr 52}${voffset 7}${execi 300 grep "yweather:wind" ~/.cache/weather.xml | grep -o "speed=\"[^\"]*\"" | grep -o "\"[^\"]*\"" | grep -o "[^\"]*"} ${execi 300 grep "yweather:units" ~/.cache/weather.xml | grep -o "speed=\"[^\"]*\"" | grep -o "\"[^\"]*\"" | grep -o "[^\"]*"}${color}
# Clock + calendar #
${voffset -117}${font Droid Sans Mono :size=22}${alignc}${color2}${time %H:%M}${font}${color}
${voffset 4}${font Droid Sans :size=10}${alignc}${color6}${time %A, %B %d}${font}${color}
# Cpu, memory, uptime, and load graph #
${voffset 294}${goto 40}${color2}Cpu:${color}
${voffset 4}${goto 40}${color2}Mem:${color}
${voffset 4}${goto 40}${color2}Uptime:${color}
${voffset -47}${alignr 39}${color2}${cpu cpu0}%${color}
${voffset 4}${alignr 39}${color2}${memperc}%${color}
${voffset 4}${alignr 39}${color2}${uptime_short}${color}
${voffset -47}${alignc}${color2}${cpubar 5,36}${color}
${voffset 4}${alignc}${color2}${membar 5,36}${color}
${voffset 29}${goto 40}${loadgraph 26,190 F9F9F9 F9F9F9 -l}
# The processes section #
${voffset 26}${goto 40}${color2}${top_mem name 1}${color}
${voffset 4}${goto 40}${color2}${top_mem name 2}${color}
${voffset 4}${goto 40}${color2}${top_mem name 3}${color}
${voffset 4}${goto 40}${color2}${top_mem name 4}${color}
${voffset 4}${goto 40}${color2}${top_mem name 5}${color}
${voffset -81}${alignc}${color5}${top_mem mem 1}%${color}
${voffset 4}${alignc}${color5}${top_mem mem 2}%${color}
${voffset 4}${alignc}${color5}${top_mem mem 3}%${color}
${voffset 4}${alignc}${color5}${top_mem mem 4}%${color}
${voffset 4}${alignc}${color5}${top_mem mem 5}%${color}
${voffset -81}${alignr 39}${color6}${top_mem mem_res 1}${color}
${voffset 4}${alignr 39}${color6}${top_mem mem_res 2}${color}
${voffset 4}${alignr 39}${color6}${top_mem mem_res 3}${color}
${voffset 4}${alignr 39}${color6}${top_mem mem_res 4}${color}
${voffset 4}${alignr 39}${color6}${top_mem mem_res 5}${color}
${voffset -104}${goto 40}${color9}Proc${color}
${voffset -13}${alignc}${color9}Mem%${color}
${voffset -13}${alignr 39}${color9}Mem${color}
# The network section #
${if_existing /proc/net/route ppp0}
${voffset -227}${goto 40}${color5}Up: ${color2}${upspeed ppp0}${color5}${goto 150}Down: ${color2}${downspeed ppp0}
${voffset 10}${goto 40}${upspeedgraph ppp0 26,80 F9F9F9 F9F9F9}${goto 150}${downspeedgraph ppp0 26,80 F9F9F9 F9F9F9}
${voffset 9}${goto 40}${color5}Sent: ${color2}${totalup ppp0}${color5}${goto 150}Received: ${color2}${totaldown ppp0}
${if_existing /proc/net/route ppp1}
${voffset -240}${goto 40}${color5}Up: ${color2}${upspeed ppp1}${color5}${goto 150}Down: ${color2}${downspeed ppp1}
${voffset 10}${goto 40}${upspeedgraph ppp1 26,80 F9F9F9 F9F9F9}${goto 150}${downspeedgraph ppp1 26,80 F9F9F9 F9F9F9}
${voffset 9}${goto 40}${color5}Sent: ${color2}${totalup ppp1}${color5}${goto 150}Received: ${color2}${totaldown ppp1}
${if_existing /proc/net/route wlp2s1}
${voffset -253}${goto 40}${color5}Up: ${color2}${upspeed wlp2s1}${color5}${goto 150}Down: ${color2}${downspeed wlp2s1}
${voffset 10}${goto 40}${upspeedgraph wlp2s1 26,80 F9F9F9 F9F9F9}${goto 150}${downspeedgraph wlp2s1 26,80 F9F9F9 F9F9F9}
${voffset 9}${goto 40}${color5}Sent: ${color2}${totalup wlp2s1}${color5}${goto 150}Received: ${color2}${totaldown wlp2s1}
${if_existing /proc/net/route wlp2s0}
${voffset -266}${goto 40}${color5}Up: ${color2}${upspeed wlp2s0}${color5}${goto 150}Down: ${color2}${downspeed wlp2s0}
${voffset 10}${goto 40}${upspeedgraph wlp2s0 26,80 F9F9F9 F9F9F9}${goto 150}${downspeedgraph wlp2s0 26,80 F9F9F9 F9F9F9}
${voffset 9}${goto 40}${color5}Sent: ${color2}${totalup wlp2s0}${color5}${goto 150}Received: ${color2}${totaldown wlp2s0}
${if_existing /proc/net/route wlan0}
${voffset -279}${goto 40}${color5}Up: ${color2}${upspeed wlan0}${color5}${goto 150}Down: ${color2}${downspeed wlan0}
${voffset 8}${goto 40}${upspeedgraph wlan0 26,80 F9F9F9 F9F9F9}${goto 150}${downspeedgraph wlan0 26,80 F9F9F9 F9F9F9}
${voffset 9}${goto 40}${color5}Sent: ${color2}${totalup wlan0}${color5}${goto 150}Received: ${color2}${totaldown wlan0}
${if_existing /proc/net/route wlan1}
${voffset -292}${goto 40}${color5}Up: ${color2}${upspeed wlan1}${color5}${goto 150}Down: ${color2}${downspeed wlan1}
${voffset 10}${goto 40}${upspeedgraph wlan1 26,80 F9F9F9 F9F9F9}${goto 150}${downspeedgraph wlan1 26,80 F9F9F9 F9F9F9}
${voffset 9}${goto 40}${color5}Sent: ${color2}${totalup wlan1}${color5}${goto 150}Received: ${color2}${totaldown wlan1}
${if_existing /proc/net/route eth1}
${voffset -305}${goto 40}${color5}Up: ${color2}${upspeed eth1}${color5}${goto 150}Down: ${color2}${downspeed eth1}
${voffset 10}${goto 40}${upspeedgraph eth1 26,80 F9F9F9 F9F9F9}${goto 150}${downspeedgraph eth1 26,80 F9F9F9 F9F9F9}
${voffset 9}${goto 40}${color5}Sent: ${color2}${totalup eth1}${color5}${goto 150}Received: ${color2}${totaldown eth1}
${if_existing /proc/net/route eth0}
${voffset -318}${goto 40}${color5}Up: ${color2}${upspeed eth0}${color5}${goto 150}Down: ${color2}${downspeed eth0}
${voffset 10}${goto 40}${upspeedgraph eth0 26,80 F9F9F9 F9F9F9}${goto 150}${downspeedgraph eth0 26,80 F9F9F9 F9F9F9}
${voffset 9}${goto 40}${color5}Sent: ${color2}${totalup eth0}${color5}${goto 150}Received: ${color2}${totaldown eth0}
${if_existing /proc/net/route enp0s0}
${voffset -331}${goto 40}${color5}Up: ${color2}${upspeed enp0s0}${color5}${goto 150}Down: ${color2}${downspeed enp0s0}
${voffset 10}${goto 40}${upspeedgraph enp0s0 26,80 F9F9F9 F9F9F9}${goto 150}${downspeedgraph enp0s0 26,80 F9F9F9 F9F9F9}
${voffset 9}${goto 40}${color5}Sent: ${color2}${totalup enp0s0}${color5}${goto 150}Received: ${color2}${totaldown enp0s0}
${if_existing /proc/net/route enp0s1}
${voffset -344}${goto 40}${color5}Up: ${color2}${upspeed enp0s1}${color5}${goto 150}Down: ${color2}${downspeed enp0s1}
${voffset 10}${goto 40}${upspeedgraph enp0s1 26,80 F9F9F9 F9F9F9}${goto 150}${downspeedgraph enp0s1 26,80 F9F9F9 F9F9F9}
${voffset 9}${goto 40}${color5}Sent: ${color2}${totalup enp0s1}${color5}${goto 150}Received: ${color2}${totaldown enp0s1}
${voffset -311}${goto 40}${color5}Network disconnected${color}
${image ~/.conky-weather/assets/Button/God-Mode/offline.png -p 44,284 -s 16x16}
${endif}${endif}${endif}${endif}${endif}${endif}${ endif}${endif}${endif}${endif}
# Various images including the icons of the forecast #
${image ~/.conky-weather/assets/Button/God-Mode/pressure2.png -p 224,95 -s 16x16}\
${image ~/.conky-weather/assets/Button/God-Mode/humidity2.png -p 224,115 -s 16x16}\
${image ~/.conky-weather/assets/Button/God-Mode/wind.png -p 224,136 -s 16x16}\
${execi 300 cp -f ~/.conky-weather/icons/weather-icons-light/$(grep "yweather:forecast" ~/.cache/weather.xml | grep -o "code=\"[^\"]*\"" | grep -o "\"[^\"]*\"" | grep -o "[^\"]*" | awk 'NR==1').png ~/.cache/weather-1.png}${image ~/.cache/weather-1.png -p 41,207 -s 32x32}\
${execi 300 cp -f ~/.conky-weather/icons/weather-icons-light/$(grep "yweather:forecast" ~/.cache/weather.xml | grep -o "code=\"[^\"]*\"" | grep -o "\"[^\"]*\"" | grep -o "[^\"]*" | awk 'NR==2').png ~/.cache/weather-2.png}${image ~/.cache/weather-2.png -p 119,207 -s 32x32}\
${execi 300 cp -f ~/.conky-weather/icons/weather-icons-light/$(grep "yweather:forecast" ~/.cache/weather.xml | grep -o "code=\"[^\"]*\"" | grep -o "\"[^\"]*\"" | grep -o "[^\"]*" | awk 'NR==3').png ~/.cache/weather-3.png}${image ~/.cache/weather-3.png -p 195,207 -s 32x32}${font}${voffset -120}\

June 10th, 2014, 10:28 PM
What settings do you have for the update interval in .conkyrc? Mine is:-

# Update interval in seconds
update_interval 2.0 and when I change my desktop wallpaper it takes those two seconds to update the background behind my transparent conky window.

It would help to see your .conkyrc config file for more clues.

June 10th, 2014, 10:40 PM
Look like I have it set to 1. I just uploaded the conkyrc file. Check it out, if you have a minute. I just entered

# Update interval in seconds
update_interval 2.0

instead of

update interval 1

Looks like the same behavior though.
Yes, over a couple hours and the problem still persists even though I changed setting to 2.0