View Full Version : [SOLVED] Bash script to run a file system clamav scan from the terminal or as a cron job

May 8th, 2014, 09:16 AM
Here is a little bash script I wrote to perform a clamscan. You can either run it from a terminal, or as a cron job.

You may use it if you find it useful, or alter it to your needs. And NO, I am not a bash programmer, I only learnt enough to get the job done. I am sure there's many other ways to do the same job, maybe better.


# Clamav Virus Scan By Richard51 #

# Global variables

# Check for root privileges
if [[ $EUID -ne 0 ]]; then
echo "Virus scan: only root can do that" 1>&2
exit 1

# Display initializing message
echo ""; echo "Initializing virus scan..."; echo ""

# Prepare virus scan log
sudo rm -f /var/log/virus-scan.log
sudo touch /var/log/virus-scan.log
sudo chown root:adm /var/log/virus-scan.log
sudo chmod 640 /var/log/virus-scan.log

# Display updating message
echo "Updating virus definitions..."; echo ""
sudo freshclam

# Display updating failed status message and exit, if update failed
if [ $return_code -ne 0 ]; then
echo ""; echo "Failed to updating virus definitions... Virus scan aborted"; echo ""
exit $return_code

# Commence virus scan
echo "Update completed"; echo ""; echo "Commencing virus scan... (this may take some time)"; echo ""
sudo clamscan -r / --log='/var/log/virus-scan.log' --exclude='^/var/log/virus-scan\.log$' \
--exclude-dir='^/sys|^/proc|^/mnt|^/media|^/dev' \

# Display virus scan status message
if [ $return_code -ne 0 ] && [ $return_code -ne 1 ]; then
echo "";echo "Failed to complete virus scan"; echo ""
echo ""; echo -n "Virus scan completed successfully, "
if sudo grep -rl 'Infected files: 0' /var/log/virus-scan.log > /dev/null 2>&1; then
echo "NO INFECTIONS FOUND"; echo ""
echo "INFECTIONS FOUND (please review the '/var/log/virus-scan.log' file)"; echo ""

exit $return_code
P.S Don't forget to set the execute bit on the file.

Note: This doesn't remove the virus, it just logs them (you can add the --remove=yes option, but I would advise against it).
*You can view the log via the terminal using: sudo tail /var/log/virus-scan.log
