View Full Version : [ubuntu] Ubuntu VPS Server 12.04 + SSH + Public Key Method + "Server refused our key"

March 23rd, 2014, 11:19 PM
I have an Ubuntu Server 12.04 LTS from my VPS (VServer) Provider.

Then i connected with Putty Over SSH and that worked fine.

But now i want to set up the ssh connection with a Key File (authorized_keys).
I made all steps exactly like the tutorials in the internet said, and i also setup my sshd_config as i should. I dont know why i always get the message (when i login with putty) "Server refused our key". ???????

I have generated the keyfiles with puttykeygen.exe on my win8 client. I copied the generated key directly out of puttykeygen.exe into my keygen-file on the server. I looked also that it is one line without return etc.!

I looked also that i set the correct "chmod" on my folder .ssh and the authorized_keys File.

Does anybody have an idea on this?????