View Full Version : Bash script project - Need people to contribute

March 22nd, 2014, 08:19 PM
I need people to help me improve a bash script.

I am creating a bash script that will serve as an automated system maintenance and backup tool, mainly for Ubuntu beginners.

The script can perform backup of the /home directory, maintain packages through apt-get, and maintain PPAs.

Here is the first version of the script:


# This is the nls-maintain script
# This is used on NLSLinux systems for basic system maintenance.
# This was developed by Tristan Williams, Owner of Newlife Linux Solutions
# This script is free and open source software
# Feel free to change it any way you like

function nls_main {

read -p "Confirm you want to run maintenance [y/n] " nls_conf

if [ "$nls_conf" == "y" ]; then
unset nls_conf
elif [ "$nls_conf" == "n" ]; then
unset nls_conf
unset nls_conf

# Function for system maintenance
function nls_maintain {


# Ask user if they want to do a system backup before maintenance
read -p "Perform system backup before maintenance? [y/n] " nls_bkup_yn
if [ "$nls_bkup_yn" == "y" ]; then
# Determine drive to hold backup
read -p "Backup to which drive? (example: sdb1)" nls_bkup_drive

# Mount backup drive
mount -v $nls_bkup_drive /mnt/

# Remove previous backup, so that old files aren't kept
sudo rm -rf /mnt/nls_bkup/

# Re-make backup directory on backup drive
sudo mkdir /mnt/nls_bkup/

# Copy home folders to backup drive
sudo cp -Rv /home/ /mnt/nls_bkup/

# Unmount backup drive to avoid issues with file managers later
sudo umount -v $nls_bkup_drive

# Inform user of backup location
echo "Backups are stored in the drive which you specified, in a directory named nls_bkup"
echo ""
read -p "Press any key to start maintenance"

# Unset old variables
unset nls_bkup_drive
unset nls_bkup_yn

elif [ "$nls_bkup_yn" == "n" ]; then

# Unset old variables
unset nls_bkup_drive
unset nls_bkup_yn

unset nls_bkup_yn

# Maintenance
function nls_no_bkup_maintain {


# Determine if user wants to check for broken PPAs
read -p "Check for broken PPAs? [y/n] " nls_maintain_ppa_check
# Check for broken PPAs
if [ "$nls_maintain_ppa_check" == "y" ]; then

echo "Checking for broken PPAs... "
sudo apt-get update > update_app.txt
cat update_app.txt | grep Err | cut -c 12- > broken_app.txt

IFS=$'\n' read -d '' -r -a lines < broken_app.txt

# List broken PPA(s)
echo "Found the following broken ppa's"
echo "${lines[@]}"
echo ""
echo "If there are no PPAs listed above, reply 'n'"
echo "to the prompt below"
echo ""
echo "It may be that the repositories are down and will be up later"
echo "If you continue these will be deleted from your system"

read -p "Remove files? [y/n] " cont_1
# If yes, remove broken PPA(s) from system
if [ "$cont_1" == "y" ]; then
cat update_app.txt | grep Err | cut -c 12- | cut -d ' ' -f 1 > broken_app.txt
IFS=$'\n' read -d '' -r -a lines < broken_app.txt

while [[ "${lines[$i]}" != "" ]]; do
grep -H "${lines[$i]}" /etc/apt/sources.list.d/*.list | cut -d ':' -f 1 > delete_app.txt
IFS=$'\n' read -d '' -r -a linesd < delete_app.txt

while [[ "${linesd[$a]}" != "" ]]; do

if [ -f "$file" ]; then
echo "$file will be removed."
read -p "Continue with removal? [y/n] " cont_2
# If yes, remove $file
if [ "$cont" == "y" ]; then
echo "Removing $file";
sudo rm "$file"
sleep 5
echo "Will keep $file";
sleep 5
echo "$file not found."
sleep 5

echo "${linesd[$a]}"

elif [ "$cont_1" == "n" ]; then
echo ""
rm update_app.txt
rm broken_app.txt
rm delete_app.txt

# Unset old variables
unset nls_maintain_ppa_check
unset IFS
unset cont_1
unset cont_2
unset file

# Do not check, continue with maintenance
elif [ "$nls_maintain_ppa_check" == "n" ]; then
unset nls_maintain_ppa_check
echo "Not checking for broken PPAs"

# System Maintenance
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade
sudo apt-get install -f
sudo apt-get upgrade
sudo apt-get autoclean
sudo apt-get autoremove



# Function for invalid menu selection error message
# This will happen if, for example, there are menu options 1, 2, 3, and 4, but the user
# selects option 5. There isn't an option 5, so the user will get this error message, and
# will be returned to the previous location to re-select a valid option
function nls_err_msg {

echo "The option you chose is not valid. You must select a valid menu entry"
sleep 2
echo "You will be returned to your previous location, at which point, you will select"
echo "a valid entry"
echo ""
read -p "Press any key to continue... "


# Developers:
# Tristan Williams | tristan401_2000@live.com
# Main script writer

# Changelog:
# 1 - Initial script creation
# 2 -

As people contribute improvements to the script, I will have the updated script below:

Thank you all.

March 22nd, 2014, 10:12 PM
Specify full paths to every command - always. This is rule #1 to scripting. It is a security thing AND a way to ensure someone with a strange PATH doesn't get screwed running the script.

Hardcoding filenames is poor for maintainability. Just like with program executables, it is best to set variables for those things in the beginning of the script. There are millions of examples of this. Here's a link to one of mine: http://blog.jdpfu.com/2013/02/23/cleanup-old-kernels-from-apt

Add a license so people know how you are willing for the code to be used. Nothing fancy is needed, but if you want the program to be used everywhere, some companies have specific policies which allow certain licenses and reject others.

Debian has recommended aptitude over apt-get for years.

There are a few traps I'd want to handle different signals at unexpected times of the script too.

I'll keep the programming style comments to myself. ;)

March 22nd, 2014, 10:42 PM
Just a suggestion, it might be easier for people to contribute to something like this if you put it on github or a similar code-collaboration site.

March 23rd, 2014, 12:21 AM
I have real heartburn about encouraging beginners to use PPAs...the source of most package manager problems.

I'm not sure about the apt maintenance section. What kinds of issues it it supposed to solve?

apt-get update is already run by a daily cron job (/etc/cron.daily/apt)
apt-get upgrade is already run by the same cron job if the user's apt-conf settings are correct.
I find apt-get install -f to be only occasionally useful, and more frequently confusing to users than helpful.
I suspect that apt-get autoclean does something rather different than you expect. Again, it's already automatically done by the the daily cron job if the user hasn't been mucking with apt-conf settings.
apt-get autoremove can be done by the daily cron job. The settings have it turned off to prevent essential packages from getting autoremoved in error. It might be easier to simply enable it than to make it part of this script.

March 23rd, 2014, 12:59 AM
Hi Tristan_Williams.

I would remove all sudos from your script, and code it assuming it will be run as root:

sudo yourscrip.sh
You could check at the beginning of the script if it's being run as root:


# Obtain current effective user ID.
CURRENT_EUID=$(id --user)

# Quit if the script is not being run by root.
if [ "$CURRENT_EUID" -ne 0 ]; then
echo "$0 must be run as root. Example: sudo $0"
exit 1

Just my thoughts.

March 23rd, 2014, 02:04 PM
- Move the code to github, launchpad or another code hosting service with syntax highlighting for bash.
- Split the functionality in multiple files or use more small functions. This reduces the visual complexity of function like nls_no_bkup_maintain with deep nesting.

March 23rd, 2014, 02:57 PM
github would be preferred by more people outside Ubuntu than launchpad. For example, I do not have a launchpad account, but I do have github, which I don't use. I prefer to host my own git repo and share it as necessary, but for something like this - github would be preferred, probably. There are other options too - bitbucket.

Any function longer than 1 screen is TOO long. Simplify. That means 20 lines or less, including comments. Longer functions have been proven to hide bugs in other languages - don't know about bash.

May 8th, 2014, 03:17 PM
a new function whick checks wheather the available space in the drive entered by the user has enough available space to back up the files.This can be called after the drive name is entered.
function goes something like this::

function nls_checkspace {
wanted_space=$(df -h | awk '{if ($1 == "home folder path") print $4}')
avail_space=$(df -h | awk '{if ($1 == "backup drive path") print $4}')
#compare wanted space and available space