View Full Version : PArticle animations
February 6th, 2014, 04:42 PM
I need to make something like this->
But im dont have after effects, so that is a problem , do you know any software alternative to make this?
My pc is a 32 bits.
I try jahshaka an d dont work in wine.
Lightworks in wine dont work.
ANy suggestion?
The Spectre
February 6th, 2014, 04:54 PM
I need to make something like this->
But im dont have after effects, that you know any software alternative to make this?
My pc is a 32 bits.
I try jahshaka an d dont work in wine.
Lightworks in wine dont work.
ANy suggestion?
Why are you running Lightworks in Wine there is a native Linux Version...
February 6th, 2014, 05:33 PM
Only for 64 my machine is only 32Bits. Thanks.
The Spectre
February 6th, 2014, 05:37 PM
Only for 64 my machine is only 32Bits. Thanks.
My Bad.:oops:
I wonder if Blender might do the job, it can do video editing also...
February 6th, 2014, 05:45 PM
February 8th, 2014, 10:41 PM
Only for 64 my machine is only 32Bits. Thanks.
If you machine is 32-bit only then it is so ancient it is not powerful enough to run Lightworks. If your real limitation is that your OS is 32-bit, then upgrade, 32-bit OSes are a thing of the past.
February 11th, 2014, 09:53 PM
Yes my machinesa are old and poor but im crazy eheheh
February 13th, 2014, 05:08 PM
I can do some videos nothing special but I try...
February 14th, 2014, 04:29 AM
I did this quick test for you to see how quick something like this will render on your machine
it was done using the 32 bit blender from here which is a 72 meg download .........
116 kb gif is tiny .......
The download link for the blender file and this very short 20 frame
animation is here for you to try out - just to get a feel for it .......
But you may find the render times slow depending on what graphics card and machine
you have ........ but obviously by doing this small test you will have an idea of the length of
time particles take to set up and to render ..... I did this in about 20 mins - so do not
think its the best that can be achieved with blender - as there are many examples on you
tube of realist fire and all sorts of other things too ........ its knowing how to set them up
but there are many tutorials out there ......
February 14th, 2014, 03:27 PM
I did this quick test for you to see how quick something like this will render on your machine
it was done using the 32 bit blender from here which is a 72 meg download .........
116 kb gif is tiny .......
The download link for the blender file and this very short 20 frame
animation is here for you to try out - just to get a feel for it .......
But you may find the render times slow depending on what graphics card and machine
you have ........ but obviously by doing this small test you will have an idea of the length of
time particles take to set up and to render ..... I did this in about 20 mins - so do not
think its the best that can be achieved with blender - as there are many examples on you
tube of realist fire and all sorts of other things too ........ its knowing how to set them up
but there are many tutorials out there ......
Yep , this can be help me to understand the question.
Thanks for share I use Blender and I can do some things with him but Im a noob on Blender, with this mybe I can try something.Thanks.
February 14th, 2014, 03:50 PM
I will have a look at how to do the orbs ....... as that looks really good .......
if I get anything close to it I will re-post ...... started playing - but
the array function fails to copy the particles to the array ..... so did two seperate
spheres -
That above is for speed .... the particle render for fire/smoke is much slower than the
1000 particles used above ....
Would seem particle fire may be the way to go and then to change its color to white so
that a white trail shows behind whatever it is we are trying to follow ......
Two orbs on a central rotation axis and moving them along a path while rotating
should produce something close ...
This may be a good place to start .....
not sure how the light streaks work as I have not had a go with this yet.
There is a link leading to this which also contains the files to download .... interesting
to look at so thought I would add it .....
Will also have another look at this later - keep getting sidetracked onto other things.
February 17th, 2014, 09:10 AM
You should be able to do that with Blender running on a 32-bit machine. Here's something that I did back in 2008 on a Sempron 2400 with 1GB of RAM. Rendering can take a while though.
February 18th, 2014, 07:58 PM
The hard part is getting the sliders to work as you want them to ....... often when increasing x and y on size
the flame does the opposite to what you would expect.
No idea why a larger x and y creates a much narrower flame ..... but this is what it does .........
where decreasing it actually creates a much bigger wider flame ..... odd really and messes with
the mind trying to adjust things ( reverse logic I guess ) up up and away .........
Download model 1.1 meg .....
Getting closer to what you want with the light streak idea though
Download model 1.2 meg
Blender file for download here 1.1 meg (
February 20th, 2014, 08:51 AM
^ Nice! :D
February 20th, 2014, 04:16 PM
Thanks - loved the demos you did ..... would love to see more done with blender ....... :smile:
and the more people that share things - the better progress we may all make
with it too ............ hopefully ..........
March 5th, 2014, 10:46 PM
my good I like your examples Blender and then OPenshot can be a solution. :popcorn:
March 5th, 2014, 10:58 PM
Glad you like them .... there seems to be more tutorials appearing now on particle animations ....
some are really good ....... have just been watching the 2013 showreel for blender and it is good.
March 5th, 2014, 11:06 PM
heheh I hope I can do something on Blender but all I have is my Pentium with 1.5 Ram and free graphic drivers eheheh, but - Amazing contribs friend!:guitar:
March 7th, 2014, 12:51 AM
I'm work in some videos to test, today I try put one of your gifs on the front image of my videos , I have ascrip that make auto ffmpeg gif to image and then image to video, but in this script mode your gifs cant be avi , only appear one image, then i test in Gimp video (mastervideo encoder) and works but the file is very bad the images lost much quality and some images of the gifs dont appear. This is normal because .gif type dont have a good pixel definitions , but i test.
whell one of my videos with openshot and Gimp and some vector tricks -
March 7th, 2014, 06:01 AM
Using the files that i added for blender to create the images - in render mode you can change the render settings
These will allow mpeg or other output ........... also better quality ...........
Let me know which one you like and I can change the blender file with the outputs changed to render as mpeg instead
The renders themselves go into /tmp/xxx.png
and the individual frames that I create the gifs from then go into gimp to get resized ..... so they actually do start off
as pretty good quality and then I have to reduce them to make my gifs small in size for the web - while retaining some
quality .......... its all a balance ...........
But the output from Blender can be increased to photo quality ........ thing is this bumps up render times a little ........
Most things are possible ...... just some take longer than others to do ..........
I like the music - do you mix it yourself ....... this is something similar I did a while back now.
and what are you using for the video just openshot or kdenlive ...
March 12th, 2014, 11:50 PM
I'm not a producer of music /electronic music but i know some DJS around Spain so I pick some sounds and mix with images to experiment with my creations, in effect the sound of my last videos is from Fatima Hajji DJ work music, in others i use Paula Cazenave and in others sounds of MOS DJ all of this artists are from Spain.
Your last gif have good performance on my master video encoder the only problem is the grey background tha appear to frame 0 to 40, because in each frame appear some lines on grey.
Yeah, We can remove grey color on Gimp but is tedious work, I put my eyes on F4L I think that soft can be help on some effects like appear - dont appear, but I'm not sure if is good to work with lights and path lights.
But at the moment is the only idea I find, Blender is very complicated for me.
Try to answer to your question about kdenlive or openshot, in all my videos I use Openshot and Pitivi (in some cases) Kdenlive dont be a good choice in my opinion because is a KDE part and like KDE need very resources more that 4 GB to work properly because this in 32 Bits systems or in pcs with poor recources like 1.5 GB RAM this program crashes constantly and the work he does is equal to the openshot , so openshot is better and more effectively.
In my works I use Gimp to images and backgrounds , then export it to png and then mount all in OPenshot with music and effects.
IN some cases I use some little scripts like convert gif to avi or the command lines convert and potrace with this I can put any image by , .jpg, or .png and other formats to svg and with svg I can manipulate the images special to enlarge or delete some part.
March 13th, 2014, 08:23 PM
I like the amount of work that has gone into making that gif .... but there must be a quicker way of doing something
similar in blender ........
I had a start this morning just as I arose ........ will look at ways of making something like it ......
I need to look at different ways of getting the videos done so they can be shared too .....
maybe on you-tube or something ........ will look at the grey you talked about too
that probably would not be a problem if the file was saved as a mpeg or avi to begin
with though ........ my database and file system is non existent at the moment - so
not sure where I saved that animation ..... but will see if I can find it ........
If not will create something similar to it ......... all good practice.
March 14th, 2014, 11:15 PM
I also make some progresses ->
Your GIF is very good friend you can try make this on Flash and export to mpeg or else i think with this method is possible generate good animations.
This post have more visits day-to-day probably people like our experiments .
In my case I use
Gif avi convert (script)
and in some cases - potrace / convert command lines.
All friends can use easily gifs in their creations the only problem with gifs is backgrounds if have backgrounds when we transform gif on avi the background appear with any frame with a smudge type, is a little alternative.
Gimp is very important to make the teasers, or the backgrounds on images of video so is important know well how to works Gimp.
Hands on Blender and flash now.
March 27th, 2014, 12:45 AM
I made a little blog to share my experiences with multimedia tools on Linux.
If anyone can colaborate with their experiences with Blender, OPenshot, Synfig, GIMP, MAkehuman, and Inkscape, can send me a message please , I'm not English I'm Portuguese I also need some people that can see if my texts (in english) are good.
The Objective is put a contents in the same blog to help users to use the tools to create MUltimedia and web media arts.
Here link ->
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