View Full Version : Bash uppercase after {. ! ?}

January 31st, 2014, 01:32 PM
how can i convert the first letter after ".", "!" and "?" and new line to an uppercase letter?
example: "hello. my name is newbe.can u help me?" to " Hello. My name is newbe.Can u help me?"

i tried something with sed but it just convert just the first letter from new line
sed 's/^\([A-Za-z]\)\([A-Z-a-z]\+\)/\U\1\L\2/'

Lars Noodén
January 31st, 2014, 01:54 PM
There's a way to do it in perl:

echo "hello. my name is newbe.can u help me?" | perl -e 'while (<>) { s/^(\s*.)/\U$1/;s/([[:punct:]]\s*.)/\U$1/g;print}'

There might be a more efficient way. Basically that is a short program jammed into a single line.

while (<>) { # read from stdin until no more input
s/^(\s*.)/\U$1/; # substitute
s/([[:punct:]]\s*.)/\U$1/g; # global substitute, pattern starts with punctuation

All that takes effect on the default variable of perl, $_ which is implied if it is not written.

January 31st, 2014, 02:25 PM
Possible slightly more compact version using lookbehinds?

perl -pe 's/((?<!.)|(?<=[[:punct:]])\W*)\w/\U$&/g'

(matches and uppercases any single word character that is preceded either by nothing or by punctuation and zero or more additional non-word characters)

January 31st, 2014, 02:57 PM
Unnecessarily complex, I think. Perl's motto applies.

perl -pe 's/(^|[.!?])([a-z])/$1\U$2/g' # how I would write it using common idioms
perl -pe 's/(?<![^.!?])\w/\U$&/g' # code golf version

Lars Noodén
January 31st, 2014, 02:59 PM
trent and steeldriver, thanks. I was looking for -p, it eliminates the while loop.

January 31st, 2014, 05:22 PM
# echo "hello. my name is newbe.can u help me?" | ruby -e 'puts gets.split(/\s*\.\s*/).map(&:capitalize).join(". ") '
Hello. My name is newbe. Can u help me?