View Full Version : Tasks showing up in taskbar in all workspaces

January 11th, 2014, 04:06 AM
Let met start out by saying I've Googled this one, I just spent the last half hour wading through search results.

Somehow, one of my children hit a key combination, or selected a menu item somewhere that now makes all tasks appear in my bottom task bar in all workspaces. Right-clicking a task and selecting "move to workspace left/right" seems to move that window's available focus to the workspace, but not the taskbar item.

How can I fix this? I've searched through the forums here but I can't find any way to undo this. No system updates were applied, no new programs installed. This just happened out-of-the-blue this morning after my son woke up and wanted his ABC Mouse.


January 11th, 2014, 04:28 AM
(KDE,XFCE,Gnome Classic)?

I know if you have a bottom panel it isn't unity...
also Ubuntu version?

January 11th, 2014, 04:33 AM
Gnome classic, 12.04.3.

Sorry for not including that -- I'm used to being able to just Google a problem, not getting a hivemind involved.

January 11th, 2014, 05:15 AM
Is there still a preference tab on classic?
If you right click on the workspace icony thingy, does a preferences button thingy open?
Might be left click.
Sorry, I can't help further.
It's been sometime since I've used classic on 12.04. And only sparingly on more recent versions of Ubuntu.

Dennis N
January 11th, 2014, 05:28 AM
If it functions the same as Gnome 2, you would right-click on the left end of the window list (task bar) in the panel (you actually click on the left handle of the list, which is narrow and hard to locate), a dialog offering Preferences will appear. Choosing Preferences opens a second window, which offers a choice of "show windows from current workspace" or "show windows from all workspaces".