View Full Version : Atlanta Area LUGs

January 5th, 2014, 04:42 PM
There are a number of different LUGs around the Atlanta Metro area.
* ALE - http://ale.org - Atlanta Linux Enthusiasts - sign up the the email listsrv to stay in contact.
* ALE-NW - ale.org - Marietta area ALE chapter. Meets monthly at SPSU.
* GA-400 Linux Group - http://www.meetup.com/GA-400-Linux-Group/ - Meets informally every Sunday afternoon. Perfect for non-pros to learn more.
* GA-Tech LUG - Georgia Tech University http://lugatgt.org/
* Newnan LUG - http://www.meetup.com/Newnan-Linux-Users-Group/ - also called the South Atlanta LUG - seems active in OpenStack and OpenvSwitch stuff.
and a few others that I don't know personally http://blog.jdpfu.com/2013/06/03/lugs-atlanta-area-linux-groups The North East area has had a few attempts to get started.

Anyway, just wanted to make it clear that these LUGs are Ubuntu friendly and invite everyone.