View Full Version : Adobe Creative Cloud/Suite for Ubuntu

November 26th, 2013, 07:05 AM
How might Ubuntu become more appealing for Adobe to make their creative tools available on this operating system? (Their Creative Cloud, Creative Suite, and apps.)

Here are some considerations, observations, and... a little enthusiasm!


It is a given that Ubuntu could become more popular and widespread. At even 3% user base worldwide, it would still have a few points to rise to match OS X's 7 - 10%. However, it could happen. Especially considering the following aspects.

Canonical seems to be focusing on making Ubuntu more polished as an overall experience. They've even said that as of 13.10, they have committed personnel to working on precisely this. As time progresses, Ubuntu can only become a more formidable end product.

With Unity's desktop-mobile convergence, Canonical have been ironing out and beautifying the Ubuntu experience; making it both appealing and easy-to-use for the average user.

Ubuntu's switch to Mir sets it apart from the rest of Linux. By offering a smoother and more seamless visual experience, this could be one element that helps lift it out of distro obscurity. Canonical's initiative here brands them as more of a venturing enterprise -- with 'customer' interest -- versus the more moderately-paced community ethos which generally pervades Linux.

With these efforts combined, Ubuntu is making itself more targetable as a brand; one which could eventually stand alongside other well-known names.


Could Ubuntu become what is the next open source Apple? Would Adobe then make its creative tools available? Are there any overlooked obstacles that might hinder Adobe from doing so? (i.e. Open source licensing, system architecture, existing marriage to Windows?)

Who knows what the future might bear. But maybe, by some form, one day Adobe's creative suite will become available on Ubuntu!

Buntu Bunny
November 26th, 2013, 12:09 PM
It seems to me that the inability to use Adobe products is the one thing that keeps Windows forever lurking in the background of many a computer user's reality. The one Linux product Adobe did have, Reader 9, is no longer supported by Adobe. Even so, it stinks. I'm sure folks can point to Linux alternatives, and more are slowly being developed, but the truth is that they are not identical. In the publishing world, for example, top line Lightning Source / Ingram uses Adobe and recommends that all manuscripts be submitted in PDF/X-1a:2001 created with Adobe Distiller (available only in their pro products). The only Linux alternative to do that is Scribus 1.5, which is still developmental. The resulting PDF is not identical and contains different metadata, so it's up to LSI to decide whether they want to accept it or not. That's just as example.

Can Ubuntu compete with the big boys? In many aspects I'd say they're ahead of the game, although the numbers may not make it appear so. In the end, however, it all may boil down to who plays golf with whom.

November 26th, 2013, 02:16 PM
Do the LInux users really want the Adobe products? Do people want to pay for Adobe products (there is a very noticeable surge of "converts" in Gimp forums lately). Can Ubuntu stray very far from the regular Linux distros? If it goes too far, some Linux apps will no longer run on it...

November 26th, 2013, 03:52 PM
Adobe, who has not dropped their pricing nearly as much as other software companies, should realize that the world is moving from desktops to mobile and cloud-based solutions.

I would hope that this could allow for it being more cross-platform and meaning Linux can use it as well but it seems like Adobe is not just pursuing the almighty-buck, but is actively trying to avoid including Linux as customers.

Unfortunately, for them, the desktop market is changing and will likely soon favor Linux while Microsoft moves more and more into the Mobile market.

So when Linux gets enough presence, competition gets too close and technical limitations get all but neutralized, then Adobe may not have much choice.

Unfortunately, for us, that isn't going to happen for a while. By that time, too, there is no guarentee Adobe will still be the 800lb gorilla in the room anymore.

January 16th, 2014, 01:04 PM
Maybe paying Adobe is the alternative way.

March 2nd, 2014, 09:35 AM
"Adobe, who has not dropped their pricing nearly as much as other software companies, should realize that the world is moving from desktops to mobile and cloud-based solutions."

I'm afraid heavy lifting stuff, like video editing or programs like after effects etc, will always be desktop based.

I can't really see professional editors work on mobiles or touch devices, the task is just too complex.

Adobe will never support ubuntu, or any other linux, until it has at least half/75% the market share of os x.

It's a sad thing really, a chicken and egg thing, there won't be more users without these apps and without these apps won't appear if there aren't more users

March 3rd, 2014, 12:04 PM
"Adobe, who has not dropped their pricing nearly as much as other software companies, should realize that the world is moving from desktops to mobile and cloud-based solutions."

I'm afraid heavy lifting stuff, like video editing or programs like after effects etc, will always be desktop based.

I think he means cloud based as in Creative Cloud - You rent the applications or the CS suite essentially via the cloud.

I must say Ubuntu is smoother and more stable than its ever been its really getting someone. Adobe suite and Cubase/Logic are the things that require me to still use my MacBook all the time...