View Full Version : Gimp 2.8.6: Need maximise button back, or...

November 16th, 2013, 10:07 AM
a .deb file for v.2.8.4 - please!

I really don't know why the devs removed the maximise button in the first place. I'm sure they have thier reasons, but I use it all the time to help zoom in where I want to create a watermark for my images. Perhaps they all use large screens? Well, unfortuantely most of us still work solely from laptops.

Is there anywhere that I can suggest they return the maximise button?

Alternatively, I'd be hugely appreciative if someone could link me with a v.2.8.4 .deb file.


November 16th, 2013, 07:06 PM
Are you looking in the right place ?
Over here using Gnome, the advanced settings options for the contents of title bars, including Gimp, are done using Tweak Tool > Shell > Arrangement of buttons on the title bar.

November 16th, 2013, 08:38 PM
you can find what you are asking for on this page

if you used a ppa to get a non-stock version you cna use the ppa-purge packages to remove it and get hte old one