View Full Version : sum up decimal number from text file -bash script

October 30th, 2013, 07:49 AM
I have a textfile which contains the following



first I tried to print all the partTime student which is successful


while IFS, read -r -a array; do
[[ "${array[1]}" == "partTime" ]] || continue
printf "%s \n" "${array[0]}" is a ${array[1]} student"
done < "try.txt"


john is a partTime student
mary is a partTime student

next I also want to sum up all the numbers of the third column in the text file after printing the types of student and it was not successful


while IFS, read -r -a array; do
[[ "${array[1]}" == "partTime" ]] || continue
printf "%s \n" "${array[0]}" is a ${array[1]} student"

for n in "${array[2]}"; do
total=$( "$total +=$n" | bc )
echo $total
done < "try.txt"


john is a partTime student
+=3: command not found
mary is a partTime student
+=2.8: command not found

expected output

john is a partTime student
mary is a partTime student
total = 5.8

As I am new to bash scripting , I need to seek help from you guys. thanks in advance

October 30th, 2013, 08:53 AM
I don't think you an use += in this context - also you need to echo your input to bc

total=$(echo "$total + $n" | bc )

You should also initialize the variable 'total' - also your IFS assignment appears to be wrong (should be IFS=, I think)

Not sure why you want to do the sum loop inside the while loop though? do you really want a running total? and I don't think the printf works the way you think it works

FWIW 'awk' is often simpler for this kind of thing e.g.

awk -F, 'BEGIN {total=0} ; $2 ~ /part/ {total += $3} ; END {print "Total = " total}' try.txt

October 30th, 2013, 09:16 AM
thanks alot for your advice. yes i forgot to type the = for IFS in my post