View Full Version : [ubuntu] Dash empty after upgrade from 13.04 to 13.10

October 20th, 2013, 03:25 AM
Today, I upgraded my Ubuntu 13.04 (64-bit) system to 13.10. The upgrade went fine and the system boots ok. When I opened Dash to run the synaptic package manager, so I could re-enable some repositories disabled during the upgrade, I noticed Dash returned no results for frequently used applications, nor did it return any results for ANY application types I applied a filter for. For example, Dash reports no "System" applications or no "Internet" applications. As a result, I can't locate the synaptic package manager and can't re-enable the repositories disabled during the upgrade.

So, how can I reset this?



October 20th, 2013, 03:29 AM
Hello. Not sure how to exactly do this myself, without looking it up, but you might try reinstalling unity.

October 20th, 2013, 06:42 AM
Thanks for the reply. I hope a better solution is available. :) Good thing I had a terminal icon in the launcher, otherwise I'm not sure I would be able to open a terminal window to run the applications I need at the command line.


November 1st, 2013, 12:40 PM
sudo apt-get -o DPkg::options::=--force-confmiss --reinstall install unity-scopes-master-default
sudo apt-get -o DPkg::options::=--force-confmiss --reinstall install unity-scopes-runner
sudo apt-get -o DPkg::options::=--force-confmiss --reinstall install unity-scope-home