October 6th, 2013, 04:53 AM
Hi guys, hope someone here can help me.
First of all, i really like Linux that's why i'm here, been using the OS for almost 8 years but never could adopt it as a primary system due to games and Adobe CS, now i'm trying to replace Adobe CS for free alternatives, i'm doing really well with Scribus, far more than with inDesign but the problem is Inkscape, can't hit the color rights, guess it's some kinda problem with color management, first of all i hate the tabs in Color with RGB, CMYK, and a couple more, wish they change whether i started the document as RGB or CMYK but no, so can't hit the color that i see in my monitor and the one that is printing.
This also happens me with RGB, i redesign UIs only for fun, and when i wanna send some files to my phone to see the app in screen format the colors are nothing compared to the ones in the monitor and this is screen to screen not like i said earlier with trying to print it well, so hope someone can help me here.
First of all, i really like Linux that's why i'm here, been using the OS for almost 8 years but never could adopt it as a primary system due to games and Adobe CS, now i'm trying to replace Adobe CS for free alternatives, i'm doing really well with Scribus, far more than with inDesign but the problem is Inkscape, can't hit the color rights, guess it's some kinda problem with color management, first of all i hate the tabs in Color with RGB, CMYK, and a couple more, wish they change whether i started the document as RGB or CMYK but no, so can't hit the color that i see in my monitor and the one that is printing.
This also happens me with RGB, i redesign UIs only for fun, and when i wanna send some files to my phone to see the app in screen format the colors are nothing compared to the ones in the monitor and this is screen to screen not like i said earlier with trying to print it well, so hope someone can help me here.