September 3rd, 2013, 03:08 PM
Just thought this might interest the "genius programmers". Rhythmbox is awesome. I wonder if a "visualizer" is a hard thing to make, or hard on resources? A 2 minute visual fix, at the end of a hard day, can make or break thy day ... unspin thee. Just 60s sorta spirals or whatever? (iTunes? Apple cost me 10K for only 6 years! ): )
Just thought this might interest the "genius programmers". Rhythmbox is awesome. I wonder if a "visualizer" is a hard thing to make, or hard on resources? A 2 minute visual fix, at the end of a hard day, can make or break thy day ... unspin thee. Just 60s sorta spirals or whatever? (iTunes? Apple cost me 10K for only 6 years! ): )