View Full Version : Remastersys DVD login

August 25th, 2013, 05:56 PM
Hello !
First of all i apologize for my poor english. I am a newbie of the forum.
I would submit you the problem of remastersys login. It is this:
i prepared recently a DVD of about 1.7 GB with iso dist version by remastersys. Then I put the DVD in the drive and started it having modify the settings in bios/UEFI. At this point the usual logging screen appeared requiring user name that i typed regularly and followed by the pw, but between my surprise returned something like "password incorrect, please try again." I try with another username, nothing to do. It only runs by clicking on guest session.
I tried to type "custom" in the user name field and living blank the password field, always getting the same disappointing message.
Unfortunately i already deleted log file and the whole folder "remastersys" leaving the sole iso file, but if necessary, i will redo the program.
I did a new trial with backup version but still facing the login problem. For this version the log file is available.
Can anybody help me? Thank.
OS Ubuntu 12.04 LTS 64 bit
Desktop Gnome3 with Unity
Login Manager LightDM
Remastersys version 3.0.4-2