View Full Version : [SOLVED] What is unary operator?

July 18th, 2013, 05:48 AM
I tried to contact s1ightcrazed (http://ubuntuforums.org/member.php?u=247182) because I saw his ability to explain things simply, in his posts assign the exit status of a command to a variable (http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=373657). I failed to get in touch with him.

I wrote a script that when run as daemon checks whether pppd is running, otherwise boots it, iteratively
Copied in a file pppdchk.sh
x='pidof pppd'
if [$x != "\n"]
sleep 1
pon dsl-provider
sleep 1

The script runs, I get the result I want, but I get an output ...unary operator expected...

July 18th, 2013, 07:32 AM
I think 'while' wants something to evaluate (true or false). Try this script

tmp=hello;while [ "$tmp" != "q" ]; do echo "$tmp (q to quit)";read tmp;done

If you want the script to run forever, use something that will always be true (and quit with ctrl c).

Compare these two script lines:

tmp=hello;while false ; do echo "$tmp (q to quit)";read tmp;done
which does nothing and

tmp=hello;while true ; do echo "$tmp (q to quit)";read tmp;done
which continues until ctrl +c.

Edit: See this link for a definition of unary operator/operation


July 18th, 2013, 08:40 AM
unary operator expected... Why?
Because $x is either not defined or (in this case) contains an empty string. When possible, always protect vars with double quotes in bash. Example:

[ "$foo" != "" ] && echo "bar"

July 18th, 2013, 11:39 AM
When possible, always protect vars with double quotes in bash.
I have tested with quotes. It ruins the script.
Thanks, Sudodus, for the concepts of unary operator in unix and the while command in bash.
Let us brainstorm further. I believe we will arrive at a solution soon.
Thanks to all of you once again!

July 18th, 2013, 12:35 PM
1. if you want to evaluate pidof pppd and store the result, you need backticks (backquotes) not regular single quotes

x=`pidof pppd`

or in bash you can use

x=$(pidof pppd)

2. as well as quotes around the variables, you need space around the [ and ] i.e.

if [ "$x" != "\n" ]

3. a better way to test for an empty return value might be to use the -z (zero length string) or -n (non-zero length string) tests e.g.

$ x=`pidof pppd`
$ if [ -z "$x" ]; then echo "empty"; else echo "not empty"; fi
$ x=`pidof firefox`
$ if [ -z "$x" ]; then echo "empty"; else echo "not empty"; fi
not empty


$ x=`pidof pppd`
$ if [ -n "$x" ]; then echo "not empty"; else echo "empty"; fi
$ x=`pidof firefox`
$ if [ -n "$x" ]; then echo "not empty"; else echo "empty"; fi
not empty

July 18th, 2013, 01:51 PM
... you need backticks (backquotes) not regular single quotes...

I am sorry, I have indeed used backticks in the original script. I just typed wrong here.

I have to say I have tried the double quote around the variable, and this makes the script useless! You could see for yourself.

And for the rest of the script, Superb! Brilliant! Thanks.

I was just reading the man page of bash. I hope I will have to have a printed version of it. Thanks for the help.


July 19th, 2013, 01:07 PM
if double quoted variable breaks your script you are doing something wrong. Variables have no business dangling in the open unquoted, because that only buys you whitespace related errors.

July 20th, 2013, 10:29 AM
if double quoted variable breaks your script you are doing something wrong...
As I stated earlier, it reported about unary operator: "unary operator expected"
If you don't have pressing work at hand could you look into this please? Script hat manipulates strings within it (http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2163911&p=12738253#post12738253)

July 20th, 2013, 02:26 PM
not seeing your true code but its version typed by hand, i can't say what you did wrong but you did something wrong.
[ $x = 'something' ] when $x is whitespace only will expand to [ = 'something' ] and that's a broken condition - and it even might return unary operator expected as it sees = but has only 1 other param.
[ "$x" = 'something' ] will expand to [ "<some whitespace>" = 'something' ] and that's legit