View Full Version : Bash Split folder by size...

July 17th, 2013, 06:18 PM
I have a group of directories that I need to split for backup.

The directories contain less than 9 Gig of data split amongst over 100 files.

I am looking to write a script to toss into my ~/bin folder to split the directory into two directories by SIZE.
Call it DVDsplit (ie less than a dvd-5 of data).
DVDsplit will be run from the directory to split.
It will create a subdirectory named part1, and a subdirectory named part2

The following thread is closed...
so I couldn't respond there,
but the thread provided me with a starting template for a script.

#This shell script splits a large folder of files into many smaller subfolders. You can define the no. of files in a subfolder.
# Doubts: printf "format"

# Checking input...
read -p "No. of files in each folder: " nofiles
if [ -z "$1" ]; then
echo "Please specify a directory to split, as a parameter to the script."
if [ ! -d "$1" ]; then
echo "directory $1 does not exist."
# Change to the specified folder
cd $1
# getting the count of files
# assuming no hidden files are being moved
file_count=$(ls | cat | wc -l)
# no. of sub folders = total no. of files / no. of files in each folder.
dir_no=$(printf "%.0f" $(echo "scale=2; $file_count/$nofiles" | bc))
echo "$file_count files to be moved..."
# define variables
# loop 1: create sub folders and execute loop 2
(until [ "$i" -gt "$dir_no" ]
mkdir `printf "%03d\t" $i`
# loop 2: fill each folder with the no. of files specified.
ls | cat | sort -gb | while [ "$j" -le "$nofiles" ]
# Code that moves files
read line
mv "$line" "$i"
let j=j+1
let i=i+1
# percent = total files - remaining files / total files * 100
left_files=$(ls | cat | wc -l)
percent=$(printf "%.0f" $(echo "scale=2; (($file_count-$left_files)/$file_count)*100" | bc))
echo $percent
# Use the percent variable to show a graphical progress bar using zenity
done) | zenity --progress --auto-close --title="Folder splitter" \
--text="Processing files..." --percentage=0
if [ "$?" == "0" ]; then
echo "$dir_no folders have been created, with $nofiles files in each"

First thing, I'll do is rip the prompt out --

# Checking input...
read -p "No. of files in each folder: " nofiles
if [ -z "$1" ]; then
echo "Please specify a directory to split, as a parameter to the script."
if [ ! -d "$1" ]; then
echo "directory $1 does not exist."

Okay, I'm not so brash as to throw away code. ;)
I'll comment it out.

# Checking input...
# read -p "No. of files in each folder: " nofiles
# if [ -z "$1" ]; then
# echo "Please specify a directory to split, as a parameter to the script."
# exit
# else
# if [ ! -d "$1" ]; then
# echo "directory $1 does not exist."
# exit
# fi
# fi

The next thing I want to do is move any "part1" and "part2" directory files back, in case a previous run of the script blew up.
#Merge any part1 or part2 files back into current directory.

if [ ! -d "./part1" ]; then
echo "directory PART1 does not exist."
mv -f ./part1/* ./

if [ ! -d "./part2" ]; then
echo "directory PART2 does not exist."
mv -f ./part2/* ./

The next thing I want to do is create "part1" and "part2" directories in case they don't exist.
I can merge this into the previous block of code, under the DNE (does not exist) logic.

#Merge any part1 or part2 files back into current directory.
#Optionally, create work directories.
if [ ! -d "./part1" ]; then
echo "directory PART1 does not exist. create."
mkdir part1
mv -f ./part1/* ./

if [ ! -d "./part2" ]; then
echo "directory PART2 does not exist. create"
mkdir part2
mv -f ./part2/* ./

Unlike the original poster, I come from a C/C++/C# background, so printf doesn't scare me. :)

Currently, the script looks like --

#This shell script splits a large folder of files into two smaller subfolders.

# Checking input...
# read -p "No. of files in each folder: " nofiles
# if [ -z "$1" ]; then
# echo "Please specify a directory to split, as a parameter to the script."
# exit
# else
# if [ ! -d "$1" ]; then
# echo "directory $1 does not exist."
# exit
# fi
# fi

#Merge any part1 or part2 files back into current directory.
#Optionally, create work directories.
if [ ! -d "./part1" ]; then
echo "directory PART1 does not exist. create."
mkdir part1
mv -f ./part1/* ./

if [ ! -d "./part2" ]; then
echo "directory PART2 does not exist. create"
mkdir part2
mv -f ./part2/* ./

## Continue here - bns
# Change to the specified folder
cd $1
# getting the count of files
# assuming no hidden files are being moved
file_count=$(ls | cat | wc -l)
# no. of sub folders = total no. of files / no. of files in each folder.
dir_no=$(printf "%.0f" $(echo "scale=2; $file_count/$nofiles" | bc))
echo "$file_count files to be moved..."
# define variables
# loop 1: create sub folders and execute loop 2
(until [ "$i" -gt "$dir_no" ]
mkdir `printf "%03d\t" $i`
# loop 2: fill each folder with the no. of files specified.
ls | cat | sort -gb | while [ "$j" -le "$nofiles" ]
# Code that moves files
read line
mv "$line" "$i"
let j=j+1
let i=i+1
# percent = total files - remaining files / total files * 100
left_files=$(ls | cat | wc -l)
percent=$(printf "%.0f" $(echo "scale=2; (($file_count-$left_files)/$file_count)*100" | bc))
echo $percent
# Use the percent variable to show a graphical progress bar using zenity
done) | zenity --progress --auto-close --title="Folder splitter" \
--text="Processing files..." --percentage=0
if [ "$?" == "0" ]; then
echo "$dir_no folders have been created, with $nofiles files in each"

I fully realize that the original logic is counter-based.
I need to research completely reworking the loop logic into a loop based upon the original filesize sum of main directory, and an inner loop approximating half for filling part2. When the part2-filling loop ends, i need to move the remaining files in main directory to part1.

Talk amongst yourselves. Give me pointers. I'll watch the thread. :)

July 17th, 2013, 06:31 PM
Crud! I just found a command that is in BASH's arsenal...


I guess this thread can be completely deleted!!!
