July 15th, 2013, 02:47 AM
Hello everyone at UBUNTU forums
Just like you I am a fan of free and opensource software and specially GIMP (becuase I am an artist).
However as much as GIMP is my favorite program I must admit that it is at a great disadvantage with similar but comercial software that have more money and manpower becuase they are comercial for example Paint tool sai, Corel painter, photoshop etc... and even fellow opensource KRITA (wich is being funded by a company).
While GIMP is made by talented and passionate professionals that work pro-bono in the name of free source. They already have jobs they neeed and ergo they can't focus as much as they wanted on GIMP
My proposal is to convince the GIMP developers to create a crowdfunding proyect in order to improve The Gimp faster by giving them the money to get the resources and the manpower they need. The sad truth is that many professional artist do not consider GIMP as a real alternative to commercial and closeted software like photoshop.I strongly believe that we can change that. Even worse is the fact that commercial alternatives are very expensive for example adobe's creative cloud which is US $49.99
per month!.
We all could help them achive their long term goals faster by giving them the nessesary resources. Some crowdfunding efforts for indie games have reached millions. http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/66710809/double-fine-adventure If we can help random indie games why not the Gimp?
GIMP is something we all use and we all benefit as artists and I honestly believe we could raise at the very least 1 million dollars to help not just them but helping advancing the opensource ideal by showing that cooperation can surpass corporations.
http://i276.photobucket.com/albums/kk36/heroicmasterchief/photoshopvsgimp_zps7757b24c.png (http://s276.photobucket.com/user/heroicmasterchief/media/photoshopvsgimp_zps7757b24c.png.html)
1.- You can tell the developers directly that you would be willing to support them
2.-Please sign the pettion here to let the GIMP TEAM that we want to help funding them:
Q.-But we can donate already
A.- Yes but donations aren't constant not big enough. They are obviously sacrificing time becuase they are random and inconsistent.
They are just a"maybe" and people hardly give money to "maybes". With a concrete goal people would be willing to donate much more as it has already happened.
Q.-Would people actually pay?
A A not popular not advertised corwdfunding raised $1645 just to fix a feature.http://www.freedomsponsors.org/core/issue/78/add-other-samplers-that-properly-reduce-downsample-and-warp-images
Q.-Why don't you do it yourself?
A.-According to kickstarter rules only the developers can raise the money.
Q.-Doesn't it betray the open source philosophy?
A.- On the contrary we are showing corporations that cooperation between developers and non developers is the future.
Krita and Openshot (two open source have considered/used corwdfunding without stopping being open source)
Q.-Games are easy But Has it happened succesfully before for opensource?
A.-Glad you ask, Of course see openshot http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/421164014/openshot-video-editor-for-windows-mac-and-linux/posts/441132
Krita is also considering it http://forum.kde.org/viewtopic.php?f=137&t=110973
Q.-But isn't kikcstarter only for comercial software?
A.-see above
Q. I don't like kickstarter
A.-That's alright we have altenrative crowdfunding sites just for open source
Q.-Gimp would become a "photoshop clone"!
A.- Gimp is it's own and wonderful thing as confirmed by the developers.
Q.-Gimp would become a feature monster
A.- Improvement doesn't mean more features. Take a look at autodesk's sketchbook pro. It has had a lot of improvements and yet is still very easy to use/simple
Q.-Why not using my money for commercial software instead?
A.- You are not only helping freedom and also stopping piracy but also you are getting software that will be free forever. Take Adobe's CC for example. The day you aren't able to pay anymore that they you won't be able to use their software.
Q.-They don't need our help
A Did you know that between gimo 2.6 and gimp 2.8 we had to wait 4 years?.
Just like you I am a fan of free and opensource software and specially GIMP (becuase I am an artist).
However as much as GIMP is my favorite program I must admit that it is at a great disadvantage with similar but comercial software that have more money and manpower becuase they are comercial for example Paint tool sai, Corel painter, photoshop etc... and even fellow opensource KRITA (wich is being funded by a company).
While GIMP is made by talented and passionate professionals that work pro-bono in the name of free source. They already have jobs they neeed and ergo they can't focus as much as they wanted on GIMP
My proposal is to convince the GIMP developers to create a crowdfunding proyect in order to improve The Gimp faster by giving them the money to get the resources and the manpower they need. The sad truth is that many professional artist do not consider GIMP as a real alternative to commercial and closeted software like photoshop.I strongly believe that we can change that. Even worse is the fact that commercial alternatives are very expensive for example adobe's creative cloud which is US $49.99
per month!.
We all could help them achive their long term goals faster by giving them the nessesary resources. Some crowdfunding efforts for indie games have reached millions. http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/66710809/double-fine-adventure If we can help random indie games why not the Gimp?
GIMP is something we all use and we all benefit as artists and I honestly believe we could raise at the very least 1 million dollars to help not just them but helping advancing the opensource ideal by showing that cooperation can surpass corporations.
http://i276.photobucket.com/albums/kk36/heroicmasterchief/photoshopvsgimp_zps7757b24c.png (http://s276.photobucket.com/user/heroicmasterchief/media/photoshopvsgimp_zps7757b24c.png.html)
1.- You can tell the developers directly that you would be willing to support them
2.-Please sign the pettion here to let the GIMP TEAM that we want to help funding them:
Q.-But we can donate already
A.- Yes but donations aren't constant not big enough. They are obviously sacrificing time becuase they are random and inconsistent.
They are just a"maybe" and people hardly give money to "maybes". With a concrete goal people would be willing to donate much more as it has already happened.
Q.-Would people actually pay?
A A not popular not advertised corwdfunding raised $1645 just to fix a feature.http://www.freedomsponsors.org/core/issue/78/add-other-samplers-that-properly-reduce-downsample-and-warp-images
Q.-Why don't you do it yourself?
A.-According to kickstarter rules only the developers can raise the money.
Q.-Doesn't it betray the open source philosophy?
A.- On the contrary we are showing corporations that cooperation between developers and non developers is the future.
Krita and Openshot (two open source have considered/used corwdfunding without stopping being open source)
Q.-Games are easy But Has it happened succesfully before for opensource?
A.-Glad you ask, Of course see openshot http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/421164014/openshot-video-editor-for-windows-mac-and-linux/posts/441132
Krita is also considering it http://forum.kde.org/viewtopic.php?f=137&t=110973
Q.-But isn't kikcstarter only for comercial software?
A.-see above
Q. I don't like kickstarter
A.-That's alright we have altenrative crowdfunding sites just for open source
Q.-Gimp would become a "photoshop clone"!
A.- Gimp is it's own and wonderful thing as confirmed by the developers.
Q.-Gimp would become a feature monster
A.- Improvement doesn't mean more features. Take a look at autodesk's sketchbook pro. It has had a lot of improvements and yet is still very easy to use/simple
Q.-Why not using my money for commercial software instead?
A.- You are not only helping freedom and also stopping piracy but also you are getting software that will be free forever. Take Adobe's CC for example. The day you aren't able to pay anymore that they you won't be able to use their software.
Q.-They don't need our help
A Did you know that between gimo 2.6 and gimp 2.8 we had to wait 4 years?.