View Full Version : Please support GIMP Crowdfunding proposal. (KICKSTARTER or similar)

July 15th, 2013, 02:47 AM
Hello everyone at UBUNTU forums

Just like you I am a fan of free and opensource software and specially GIMP (becuase I am an artist).

However as much as GIMP is my favorite program I must admit that it is at a great disadvantage with similar but comercial software that have more money and manpower becuase they are comercial for example Paint tool sai, Corel painter, photoshop etc... and even fellow opensource KRITA (wich is being funded by a company).

While GIMP is made by talented and passionate professionals that work pro-bono in the name of free source. They already have jobs they neeed and ergo they can't focus as much as they wanted on GIMP

My proposal is to convince the GIMP developers to create a crowdfunding proyect in order to improve The Gimp faster by giving them the money to get the resources and the manpower they need. The sad truth is that many professional artist do not consider GIMP as a real alternative to commercial and closeted software like photoshop.I strongly believe that we can change that. Even worse is the fact that commercial alternatives are very expensive for example adobe's creative cloud which is US $49.99
per month!.

We all could help them achive their long term goals faster by giving them the nessesary resources. Some crowdfunding efforts for indie games have reached millions. http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/66710809/double-fine-adventure If we can help random indie games why not the Gimp?

GIMP is something we all use and we all benefit as artists and I honestly believe we could raise at the very least 1 million dollars to help not just them but helping advancing the opensource ideal by showing that cooperation can surpass corporations.

http://i276.photobucket.com/albums/kk36/heroicmasterchief/photoshopvsgimp_zps7757b24c.png (http://s276.photobucket.com/user/heroicmasterchief/media/photoshopvsgimp_zps7757b24c.png.html)


1.- You can tell the developers directly that you would be willing to support them

2.-Please sign the pettion here to let the GIMP TEAM that we want to help funding them:

Q.-But we can donate already
A.- Yes but donations aren't constant not big enough. They are obviously sacrificing time becuase they are random and inconsistent.
They are just a"maybe" and people hardly give money to "maybes". With a concrete goal people would be willing to donate much more as it has already happened.

Q.-Would people actually pay?
A A not popular not advertised corwdfunding raised $1645 just to fix a feature.http://www.freedomsponsors.org/core/issue/78/add-other-samplers-that-properly-reduce-downsample-and-warp-images

Q.-Why don't you do it yourself?
A.-According to kickstarter rules only the developers can raise the money.

Q.-Doesn't it betray the open source philosophy?
A.- On the contrary we are showing corporations that cooperation between developers and non developers is the future.
Krita and Openshot (two open source have considered/used corwdfunding without stopping being open source)

Q.-Games are easy But Has it happened succesfully before for opensource?
A.-Glad you ask, Of course see openshot http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/421164014/openshot-video-editor-for-windows-mac-and-linux/posts/441132
Krita is also considering it http://forum.kde.org/viewtopic.php?f=137&t=110973

Q.-But isn't kikcstarter only for comercial software?
A.-see above

Q. I don't like kickstarter
A.-That's alright we have altenrative crowdfunding sites just for open source

Q.-Gimp would become a "photoshop clone"!
A.- Gimp is it's own and wonderful thing as confirmed by the developers.

Q.-Gimp would become a feature monster
A.- Improvement doesn't mean more features. Take a look at autodesk's sketchbook pro. It has had a lot of improvements and yet is still very easy to use/simple

Q.-Why not using my money for commercial software instead?
A.- You are not only helping freedom and also stopping piracy but also you are getting software that will be free forever. Take Adobe's CC for example. The day you aren't able to pay anymore that they you won't be able to use their software.

Q.-They don't need our help
A Did you know that between gimo 2.6 and gimp 2.8 we had to wait 4 years?.

July 15th, 2013, 03:03 AM
actually this is a good idea, but more then just the gimp needs the attention.

Oracle Fefe
July 15th, 2013, 08:51 AM
I pretty much just created an account to comment that I like this idea.
I have been using GIMP since I was 11, around seven years ago and it is the only art program I have stuck through with every switch of a computer. I primarily use Windows but I've been interested in seeing mobile tablet support for programs like GIMP (My favorite manipulator) and Krita (A very strong art program).

I would be glad to atleast raise awareness and donate money for the assistance and pleasure the program gave me for many years, especially if it would go to improving GIMP.
However, I think a million would be too big of a goal to reach for considering competition and people wondering 'why fund this when I can go get a creative suite?'. Perhaps around $50-100,000 would be a nicer, reachable goal should they give features and nice rewards for funders.

Dry Lips
July 15th, 2013, 10:33 PM
I personally would be more than glad to contribute to any kickstarter campaign involving Gimp, Inkscape, Scribus, etc...

Although I'm not sure if Kickstarter takes paypal... Paypal support is a must! Indiegogo is a good alternative to Kickstarter!

September 17th, 2013, 02:31 PM
One of the devs is doing a crowdfunder to add mirror painting. If this is a sucess I image there will be more in the future.

September 29th, 2013, 05:12 AM
I would support GIMP in a heartbeat. I do not have a lot to give but would be more than happy to give some money!

Francisco Cardoso
October 1st, 2013, 01:38 AM
Its a great idea but tbh i think that there is a class one priority for design professionals. And that is a native way to handle spot colors on a proper software. The best softwares i ever worked (vector design) where Freehand and Corel. Well, you have Inkscape, a software with the smooth workflow of Corel Draw and the simplicity of Freehand. The only problem is that you cant use it professionally as a native solution - no spot colors support. I think the funding should start in here. Without this compatibility designers will stay on windows.

October 4th, 2013, 11:23 AM

I have used gimp extensively in the past few years. I would definitely put down money for a kickstarter/indiegogo. As long as they get their priorities down and keep their project from bloating (which I've seen a lot of kickstarters do), I'd be excited to see what gimp could become.

October 4th, 2013, 08:15 PM

I have used gimp extensively in the past few years. I would definitely put down money for a kickstarter/indiegogo. As long as they get their priorities down and keep their project from bloating (which I've seen a lot of kickstarters do), I'd be excited to see what gimp could become.


October 8th, 2013, 08:03 AM

That makes it easy. Thanks!!

October 8th, 2013, 02:00 PM
Hi thanks... I have been hoping that Gimp and other projects go to kickstarter and fund improvements.

Just giving money at the DONATE button is not as effective has having the team communicate with the community and pick specific projects and features that the community wants, then ask the community to fund these projects, then making a commitment to complete these projects in a timely manner.

IMHO, I think that maybe the reason that the GIMP team has not done this yet, it that it would give more power to the users in choosing the direction Gimp evolves, and it would also require a COMMITMENT on the teams part, to complete specific projects in a timely manner... I get it, but it is holding the project back.

I went and signed the petition, there is also a poll on the linked page, which I completed, and just to show that I really will fund GIMP deserving GIMP projects... I went and gave 20 bucks to the gimp Symmetry Painting crowd funding project, even though it's not one of the top features I would like to see implemented, just to show that we will support such projects.

I encourage others to do the same, this is an opportunity for us to give back and I think the most valuable thing we can give back is not the money, but it is the CHANGE to the way features and improvements are selected, funded and the timely manner in which then can be achieved.

October 8th, 2013, 04:42 PM
IMHO, I think that maybe the reason that the GIMP team has not done this yet, it that it would give more power to the users in choosing the direction Gimp evolves, and it would also require a COMMITMENT on the teams part, to complete specific projects in a timely manner...

it also fosters a "take the money and run" approach to the participation in open-source projects. Once the feature is done, who maintains it? The original author? Of course not, since he works for money and the kickstarter money has dried up. The core Gimp team? They may have more important things to do... So eventually the kickstarter customers are stuck with the version of Gimp for which the feature was written.

Your comments also make it looks like you consider the Gimp devs to be a lazy bunch who don't listen to users... Remember that these people have a day job and a family... Even if Gimp is an important part of their life, it may not be their top priority.

October 8th, 2013, 06:04 PM
it also fosters a "take the money and run" approach to the participation in open-source projects. Once the feature is done, who maintains it? The original author? Of course not, since he works for money and the kickstarter money has dried up. The core Gimp team? They may have more important things to do... So eventually the kickstarter customers are stuck with the version of Gimp for which the feature was written.

Your comments also make it looks like you consider the Gimp devs to be a lazy bunch who don't listen to users... Remember that these people have a day job and a family... Even if Gimp is an important part of their life, it may not be their top priority.

LOL... please don't be offended, or insinuate that I am insulting the devs. I don't do forums often becuase I do "have a day job and a family... "and even though" Gimp is an important part of "my" life, it "is" not be "my" top priority and for for some reason peaple seem to get upset or offended pretty easy and the conversion devolves away from the topic at hand.

Let's please not hijack the posters efforts to help the gimp communtiy.

The Devs are awsome, I was simply stating that I understand if they have concerns about lossing control or the direction of gimp development, and I also that I understand that they cannot make firm commitments on project timelimes because they are volunteers.

However my point was that if it is to be a communuity project, the the devs can't bear the weight of the world entirely upon their shoulders, and that croudfunding specific projects shows trust in the communtiy to help them guide and fund gimps future, freeing them to do what they do best, and giving them more time for other things outside of the project. :) Many hands make for a light load. I hope this clears things up a bit!

Also, thanks for your comments about "taking the money and run" you made some very good points. Especially about maintaing the features. This would be a very good conversion to have with the developers and within the community. I am not sure that I have an answer... but I think the money, the user feedback and the extra help coding would probably benifit gimp, regardless.