View Full Version : [gtkmm] Resize window

May 18th, 2013, 02:41 AM
Hi people i'm new in gtkmm and my English is not so good.
I'm doing a picture organizer and i'm in the beginning of the project.
I have a top bar (frame) where i will put some functionality buttons, the left
side bar(frame) where i will have picture tags and the main frame in the right
that i will display the set of pictures, and individual picture too.
in the rigth frame (main frame) i show the pictures inside off a grid.
Until there, good.
When a maximize the window the grid is redesigned to fit the pictures in the
screen(thats ok). But when i restore the window to the previous size i'm having problems
in resizing the window.
I'm using two signals - signal_check_resize() and signal_window_state_event.
On the first occur every time you re-size the window, and the second occur when the
window is maximized restored or minimized.

Any ideia on how to do it.
This is a picture of the window.

May 18th, 2013, 10:36 AM
Which part do you have a problem with?

1. Catching the window state event?
2. Refreshing the layout of the grid when the window is restored?

I have some code that handles the window state event. It's C/GTK rather than gtkmm, but the idea is the same:

GdkWindow *window = gtk_widget_get_window(w);
GdkWindowState state = gdk_window_get_state(window);
gboolean maximized = state & GDK_WINDOW_STATE_MAXIMIZED;

if (maximized)
// do something

You should be able to extend that for the other states.

May 18th, 2013, 05:40 PM
Which part do you have a problem with?

1. Catching the window state event?
2. Refreshing the layout of the grid when the window is restored?

I have some code that handles the window state event. It's C/GTK rather than gtkmm, but the idea is the same:

GdkWindow *window = gtk_widget_get_window(w);
GdkWindowState state = gdk_window_get_state(window);
gboolean maximized = state & GDK_WINDOW_STATE_MAXIMIZED;

if (maximized)
// do something

You should be able to extend that for the other states.

Thanks for reply
In my code a catch the maximized a minimized state.
The problem is with the signal_check_resize.
here is my handler of signal_window_state_event

bool GuiTag::window_state_change(GdkEventWindowState* event){ cout<<"resize has been called "<<signal<<" times"<<endl;

//when window is restored or maximized
if((event->changed_mask & GDK_WINDOW_STATE_MAXIMIZED) > 0){
cout<<"window has been maximized. prev: "<<this->get_width()<<endl;
//save the restore width
restore_window_width = this->get_width();
cout<<"window has been restored. prev: "<<this->get_width()<<endl;
state_changed = true;
maximized = !maximized;
return true;

and the code for resize_chek that handle every window
resize, even the maximize and restore.

void GuiTag::on_window_resize(){
if(window_width != this->get_width()){
cout<<"window has been resized "<<this->get_width()<<endl;

cout<<"restoring window size"<<endl;
window_width = restore_window_width;
//window resized manualy
window_width = this->get_width();
float fw,ww,bw,lv,mw,fcn;
int cn;
bw = (float) (BORDER_WIDTH);
//side bar width
lv = (float) (TAG_LIST_WIDTH);
ww = (float) window_width;
//grid miniature width
mw = (float) (MINIATURE_WIDTH);
//width to be resized
ww = (float) window_width;
fw = ww - 6 * bw -lv;
fcn = (fw - 3 * bw) / (mw + 2 * bw);
cn = ( int ) fcn;
ncols = cn;
//current is the object with the pictures
if(current != NULL){
cout<<"displaying in the new grid"<<endl;
Gtk::Allocation allocation;
allocation = this->get_allocation();
cout<<"allocating window: "<<window_width<<endl;
state_changed = false;
cout<<"false enter"<<endl;

May 20th, 2013, 08:09 PM
Its solved.
I use

this->resize(restore_window_width,restore_window_height) ;