View Full Version : 13.04 Not worth the trouble

May 17th, 2013, 02:38 AM
OK. I have been using Ubunutu for a number of years now ( maybe 6) and have been a huge fan /supporter. We have three computers in our house running on Ubuntu. Two on Lubuntu and one on Ubuntu. Every thing is great then come 12.10. The upgrade screws up all three computers. So I say well.... I should do a clean install....screws up all three computer. Now please keep in mind I work for for months thinking it was the computer or something I effed up. Finally I put all three computers back to 12.04 and the the world is good again. So... out comes 13.04. I say well I am am going to try Xubuntu (Because I like the old look) on my main systetm (which is kind of a hot rod system for some. SSD drive, hybriid drive, external drive, higher end mother board and video card). So after the install the system will not boot, so I install again. the system boots but I have these bugs, No sound, right mouse button doesn't work rignt, screen keeps flashing. So...I think it's something I did, I do my research and conme back the next day, hit the power button and the system won't boot. 12.04 is reinstalled now.

I am no systems engineer, but I have tested many of the distro's out there through Vbox, so I am not a complete moron. It just seems that Ubuntu has become increasing sloppy with their releases. I have never had serious issues until 12.10 and 13.04.

There is an arguement going on that this is freeware and we as users are not entitled to anything, but if nobody is using a system, how does it survive. I have tested everything from Suse Opent to Magiea to Antix to Debian, but I still use Ubuntu. However It is becoming harder form me to put up with the problems faced with each new release.

Please stop worrying about getting the next release out. Take the Debian stand...It will be ready when it's ready.

I don't mind working abit bit with an OS, but I should not be dealing bugs right off the start with what should be a stable release.

Remember when Ubuntu was number one? Let's get the quality back back in this OS, otherwise ther will be less and less Ubuntu users out there. And I don't don't care what the developers may say or think, I am not the only person that feels this way.

May 17th, 2013, 06:41 AM
i really dont understand, you tell us that running 12.04 is good. then, where is the problem?
keep in mind...the LTS versions are all that matters! all the others are for testing....if you want stable, go for LTS. on the other hand, if you want a flavor of what is gonna be next, go for latest release and if you encounter some bugs, just report 'em.
if you go to ubuntu homepage, you will see that 12.04 is the first option to download.

May 17th, 2013, 06:53 AM

I'd just like to put in a word for Xubuntu 13.04.
I did a clean install (which I always do) from Xubuntu 12.04.2 and have had absolutely no problems whatsoever.
In fact to say I am rapt would be an understatement.

I trust you will eventually get what you want.

Cheers - :)

May 17th, 2013, 07:21 AM
as said above if you need stable stick with LTS releases, the interim releases are for testing and refining concepts

May 17th, 2013, 02:40 PM
Yeah I guess that was a bit of a rant wasn't it. I went back to Ubuntu 12.04 and all is well.

May 17th, 2013, 02:47 PM
Only issue i have had with 13.04 are broken hdmi audio and this (http://i.imgur.com/EG6zyWQ.jpg) happening during boot sometimes, both are fixed with a kernel update (using mainline kernels now)
i have not tried the new 3.8.0-21 kernel, so normal updates may fix it

Sam Mills
May 17th, 2013, 04:52 PM
13.04 works fine here.

Frogs Hair
May 17th, 2013, 05:45 PM
13.04 works fine with XFCE, the Gnome Shell, and Unity.

May 18th, 2013, 06:53 PM
Oh how surprised we are that raring is working fine foe you and you and you. What exactly is the point of those inevitable "works fine" chorus every time a user does point out some problems? Do you suggest the OP is just too stupid or has bad karma?

No, he isn't. I do see the same - the Ubuntu OS for PCs is slowly falling apart, while Canonical dreams of making a big imprint in the mobile market.

Like this, there will be just failure in both markets.

May 18th, 2013, 08:14 PM
Oh how surprised we are that raring is working fine foe you and you and you. What exactly is the point of those inevitable "works fine" chorus every time a user does point out some problems? Do you suggest the OP is just too stupid or has bad karma?

No, he isn't. I do see the same - the Ubuntu OS for PCs is slowly falling apart, while Canonical dreams of making a big imprint in the mobile market.

Like this, there will be just failure in both markets.

Saying it works for me, makes as much sense as saying all 3 installs screwed up, without going into details. For the majority of us, most release versions just work, with no drama. Usually the people that run into problems, really aren't all the well versed in fixing problems when they run into them.

May 18th, 2013, 08:26 PM
I always do a clean install, having read too many upgrade horror stories here and elsewhere. That said, I was having some booting issues with the default Kubuntu 13.04 kernel, something to do with ipv6 and plymouth (I didn't research it very thoroughly). Installing the 3.9x kernel fixed the issues.

May 18th, 2013, 10:13 PM
Saying it works for me, makes as much sense as saying all 3 installs screwed up, without going into details. For the majority of us, most release versions just work, with no drama. Usually the people that run into problems, really aren't all the well versed in fixing problems when they run into them.

Majority of people either have the wisdom not to upgrade or are too proud to admit they got lucky again and survived the new round of problems, which may not have manifested in their entirety.

May 18th, 2013, 10:36 PM
Like this, there will be just failure in both markets.

You are generalizing much. Ubuntu 13.04 does work well for many people, the review has been very positive say comparing to 12.10. By way of a comparison, I have in addition to Ubuntu 13.04, Debian SId and Fedora 18 running on the same machine, Ubuntu 13.04 is the most solid and painless of the three, Debian turns out to be most problematic with hardware.

Frogs Hair
May 19th, 2013, 07:41 PM
Oh how surprised we are that raring is working fine foe you and you and you. What exactly is the point of those inevitable "works fine" chorus every time a user does point out some problems? Do you suggest the OP is just too stupid or has bad karma?

I suggest nothing about the ops karma or intelligence . Ununtu 13.04 - AMD 64X II Nvidia 8 series graphics card / 313 .30 driver 4GB of Kingston ram. Very average hardware with a clean installation.

May 20th, 2013, 03:59 AM
What exactly is the point of those inevitable "works fine" chorus every time a user does point out some problems? Do you suggest the OP is just too stupid or has bad karma?

I've often thought it was a defensive reaction - which is really unnecessary. Not only that, but it's been my observation, that it does little to improve OP's frustrations.

Staying with LTS's has proved to be a rewarding policy and using a petition or separate HDD allows testing of new releases prior to committing. The best solution IMHO is to try all new releases and assure they're fully functional, then decide if the upgrade is beneficial.

With 5 home systems running Xubuntu and following the LTS policy, we've had zero issues. Stability, is one of my demands and the LTS's have consistently delivered.

Just my $0.02

May 25th, 2013, 12:26 PM
It sounds like you have older hardware. It has become apparent that the kernels are dropping support for older hardware sooner these days. Then again i,m an old fart so i remember the old days....