View Full Version : [xfce] xfce login loop

May 12th, 2013, 04:42 PM
Hi everyone, I woke up this morning to notice that my ubuntu 12.10 install with the Xubuntu-desktop environment was in a login loop and I couldn't login. After like 2 hours of fiddling arround I ended up replacing lightdm with lxdm and installing the lubuntu-desktop environment and now it works. The problem is that I still want to use the Xubuntu-desktop environment (xfce) but i still get a login loop when choosing the xfce at the login screen...

Hope this helps (.xsession-errors):

Xsession: X session started for alex at Sun May 12 11:46:13 EDT 2013
localuser:alex being added to access control list
/etc/X11/Xsession: 6: export: Session.mandatory.path: bad variable name

I really want to use xfce, hope someone can help.
Best regards,

EDIT: I think I found the error (theres no .xsession and .xinitrc), but i dont know how to make new ones...