View Full Version : College software suggestions

May 10th, 2013, 09:22 AM

As previously mentioned in the Hardware section I was looking for a new laptop for college. Settled on the Dell Inspiron with 32 gb SSD. Now I just need to find the appropriate software. I think the main thing I will need is dictation software as well as some thing to help me transcribe recorded audio from a Zoom H1. I was reading that the H1 was updated to version 2.0 increased its linux compatibility.

At the moment Im not sure what software I will need apart from:

Dictation software
Audio progressing software : Ogg Converter
Getting things done GNOME
Libre Office
A tool to help with tracking assignments

It is a Level 2 Animal Care Course

Any and all other suggestions welcome

May 10th, 2013, 09:40 AM
You should be okay with libre-office, but since your going to school in all i probably wouldn't use linux (call me crazy) but libre-office just isn't that great when opening up office 2013 documents or even 2010 documents, the formatting is messed up..

2013 and 2010 will install under linux with wine, but the key is actually BUYING the software don't go to some torrent place and download it just buy it and burn it to a dvd.

Now depending on what your going for (if it's gfx, gimp is great but photoshop is leagues superior in features and filters), if it's audio you should be okay, I just don't know any PRO tools for linux.

Lightworks will be great once it stabalizes under linux, until then there is kdnlive and openshot.