View Full Version : Ultimatecat Black Opal painting

May 10th, 2013, 04:28 AM

This painting is still wet and I am waiting for the white paint to dry so I can manipulate the whiskers a tad more.
It's 20 X 20 Oil on canvas..... BTW, Canvas went up in price considerably!

It's taken the better part of the last 3 to 4 days in a row. Figured I would try it for myself before painting this cat for a client of mine.

Finished this one a few weeks ago- It's 16 X 20 Oil on canvas

This Egyptian Cat I gave to a friend of mine. It's done in ink; not oil paint-
16 X 20

This is my desktop background-

These Cheetas I painted a while ago-

Off to work on my website.
Hope you enjoyed the paintings-
Cheers :D

May 12th, 2013, 03:10 AM
Suggestions for painting the Linux Penguin in another painting is welcome.

Suggestions and for a Ubuntu painting would be welcomed as well; as I am starting to run out of ideas for design--