View Full Version : Using Online Accounts to connect to Twitter with Python

May 9th, 2013, 02:11 AM
I'm working on a program in which needs to communicate with Twitter. I would like to use Ubuntu Online Acconts (with libaccounts and signon), but cannot get it to log in.

manager = Accounts.Manager.new_for_service_type("microblogging")
manager.connect("enabled-event", on_enabled_event)
i = 0
#see there is one and only one twitter account
#This will be removed eventually
for account_service in manager.get_enabled_account_services():
if account_service.get_account().get_provider_name() == "twitter":
i = i + 1
if i == 0:
alert_send("Sorry, anonymous mode not supported yet, please sign into "
"Twitter using Online Accounts", 2)
elif i == 1:
#Get the AccountService
for account_service in manager.get_enabled_account_services():
if account_service.get_account().get_provider_name() == "twitter":
twitter_service = account_service

#Get the authentication Information
auth_data = twitter_service.get_auth_data()
identity = auth_data.get_credentials_id()
session_data = auth_data.get_parameters()

#Create an authentication session
auth_session = Signon.AuthSession.new(identity, auth_data.get_method())

def login_cb(self, session, reply, error, user_data):
if error:
print(("Got authentication error:", error.message))
print(("login finished; reply: %s", (reply,)))

if "AccessToken" in reply:
access_token = reply["AccessToken"]
return access_token

auth_session.process(session_data, auth_data.get_mechanism(), login_cb,

When it runs, I get no error code, but no log-in confirmation either. I have a twitter account on my system.

EDIT: BTW, this isn't the full code, I have the on_enabled_event method straight from the tutorial