View Full Version : Graphical Cheat Sheet

May 7th, 2013, 03:39 AM
A while back ago I ran into a graphical troubleshooting guide that shows all the linux command-line tools that a sysadmin should know and what parts of the system they pertain to. Like for example there was a hard-disk section that had df, du, etc. and it had a small explanation of what the tool is useful for.

I can't seem to find it again and I thought that I had bookmarked it but I guess not. Please help me find it, I think I saw it on HN. I need it because I am trying to study up for the redhat test and it would be nice for creating my flash cards and general study. Other useful resources welcome if you have something you think would be awesome.

TLDR: show me your Linux Sys Admin Cheat Sheets/tools/apps....I am trying to study for red hat test.