May 3rd, 2013, 09:10 AM
I just installed Kubuntu 13.04 on various systems. One of them has AMD HD4670. It has no driver included and AMD legacy website driver doesn't support this kernel yet. I tried using a PPA, but it didn't work. I can use the Radeon driver, but a lot of cards potential is lost.
Next computer has an nVidia 6600GT. The first problem is that there are tons of drivers in the repository, which have highly misleading infos. For everyone it says: GPUs such as Geforce 6 or newer are supported. Really? I installed 310.44 and this was in dmesg:
139.823179] NVRM: The NVIDIA GeForce 6600 GT GPU installed in this system is
[ 139.823179] NVRM: supported through the NVIDIA 304.xx Legacy drivers. Please
[ 139.823179] NVRM: visit http://www.nvidia.com/object/unix.html for more
[ 139.823179] NVRM: information. The 310.44 NVIDIA driver will ignore
[ 139.823179] NVRM: this GPU. Continuing probe...
It appears only 304.xx work with this card. But do they? They provide 3D acceleration, but kill wireless and plymouth-upstart-bridge on startup. The boot takes several minutes now since the computer is waiting for network configuration, which fails at the end. This means non-root users cannot use the internet nor they can't shutdown/reboot the box normally. On the other hand noveau driver works perfectly, but again a lot of potential is lost.
I'm pretty disappointed. I knew there are problems with legacy AMD, but nVidia's problems are new to me. Ofcourse, I can install the 12.04 and both cards will probably work perfectly with proprietary drivers.
So, what are your experiences with legacy graphics cards and their proprietary drivers?
Next computer has an nVidia 6600GT. The first problem is that there are tons of drivers in the repository, which have highly misleading infos. For everyone it says: GPUs such as Geforce 6 or newer are supported. Really? I installed 310.44 and this was in dmesg:
139.823179] NVRM: The NVIDIA GeForce 6600 GT GPU installed in this system is
[ 139.823179] NVRM: supported through the NVIDIA 304.xx Legacy drivers. Please
[ 139.823179] NVRM: visit http://www.nvidia.com/object/unix.html for more
[ 139.823179] NVRM: information. The 310.44 NVIDIA driver will ignore
[ 139.823179] NVRM: this GPU. Continuing probe...
It appears only 304.xx work with this card. But do they? They provide 3D acceleration, but kill wireless and plymouth-upstart-bridge on startup. The boot takes several minutes now since the computer is waiting for network configuration, which fails at the end. This means non-root users cannot use the internet nor they can't shutdown/reboot the box normally. On the other hand noveau driver works perfectly, but again a lot of potential is lost.
I'm pretty disappointed. I knew there are problems with legacy AMD, but nVidia's problems are new to me. Ofcourse, I can install the 12.04 and both cards will probably work perfectly with proprietary drivers.
So, what are your experiences with legacy graphics cards and their proprietary drivers?