View Full Version : Geant321 simultion help please

Riley SI
April 26th, 2013, 06:58 PM
I am trying to run a geant3 simulation with input codes that i already have. My operational system is linux. I got the software from fedora and i can call it with gxinit -L cernlib -d Motif -m + the names of all the files i have. I read through the geant3 manual from cern but at the moment i am just trying to run this simulation. After i define the workstation type as -m (as instructions tell me), I get a GEANT> command prompt and an empty HIGZ_01 window only. also in the file where i am calling gxinit.f appear output files but the second column (which is the value that needs to be calculated) there are only zeros. I don't understand how to initialise the simulation. Can anybody help me??