View Full Version : Genetic programing - Solving zen puzzle

April 24th, 2013, 09:40 PM

I was reading several posts and tutorials about genetic programing but I can't understant the point of it, nor can I addapt it to use it to solve the zen puzzle. What should be what in that game? I know that there have to be some kind of population but what is that? then a mutation or crossing, ok but what and how? Really this is the most confuzing algorithm what I had to understand so far.

Please if anybody can explain it to me I would be very thankful.

April 25th, 2013, 10:32 AM
It's not really an algorithm per se, just a general "method" of trying to find a solution to a problem.

Identifying what the solutions are like, what the fitness function is and how to "breed" better solutions is the problem-specific hard part that needs to be solved separately for each case. There are no generic answers to those questions.