View Full Version : using readf in D

April 19th, 2013, 11:14 PM
Hi guys! I'm writing a little program in D from another version I did for my homework written in C. But it doesn't work very well. First it takes two reads for the first input from the user and second it only calculates tcsleep. I compiled it with GDC and DMD and got the same result. Thank you in advance!

import std.stdio;
import std.c.stdlib;
void main()
immutable sitc = 1.66;
immutable sleepc = 1.08;
float tcsleep, tcsit, tc;
int minsleep, minsit;
write("Input number of minutes sleep : \n");
readf("%d ", &minsleep);

write("Input number of minutes sitting : \n");
readf("%d ", &minsit);

tcsleep = minsit*sitc;
tcsit = minsleep*sleepc;
tc = tcsleep+tcsit;
writeln("Your total calories is : ", tc);
exit (0);

April 20th, 2013, 10:23 PM