View Full Version : Image design : different patterns and how to use them with GIMP ?

April 13th, 2013, 06:13 AM
I have created a well amount of different 8x8 pixel .png images, that i will use as a patterns when creating and designing different images, starting with photoes to my own small java games.

I need to ask, as i am no way an pro with artistics designs, that, what about copyrights of different 8x8 pixel images, how freely i can use my own black & transparent images, as i surely know that someone else may or surely has drawn them somewhere earlier.

Here is a link to some of my 8x8 pixel images i want to use - ## i have taken the link away ##

I need to know how i can use, or can i at all use images like that to overpaint my photoes and game graphcis ?

Are these graphics something that IBM has copyrighted somewhere at 50's and 60's, and may be today at free use as they so common and easy to create and edit ?