View Full Version : Converting a single linked list to a double linked list

February 17th, 2013, 01:24 AM
I have created a single linked list that has integers from a file. How do I copy the nodes in the single linked list to a double linked list?


February 17th, 2013, 01:50 AM
I'd suggest that you draw a picture to work this out.
Oh and which language are you using?

February 17th, 2013, 02:24 AM
Oh sorry, I forgot to put that. C++. Like... I know the concept of how to do it. I just can't make it work. It is something like this, right?

p->next = q->next;
p->back = q;
q->next->back = p;
q->next = p;

February 17th, 2013, 01:49 PM
Oh sorry, I forgot to put that. C++. Like... I know the concept of how to do it. I just can't make it work. It is something like this, right?

p->next = q->next;
p->back = q;
q->next->back = p;
q->next = p;

If you are using C++, then shouldn't a class be involved? Perhaps something called "Node?"

Class Node
Node(Node* pPrev, Node* pNext=NULL);
Data mWhateverYouLike;
Node* mpNext;
Node* mpPrev;
};It has been awhile (10+ yrs) since I wrote any C++, but that should get you started. It is doubtful that class is syntactically correct.

I would also ensure that any member pointers were initialized to NULL and judicious checking for NULL at every step is used to ensure pointers were not overwritten or not deleted[] as necessary.

Hopefully, you have a Node class already for your single linked-list ... that has "Data" and a pointer to next already. Heck, there must be a template that already does this data structure. In my day, we'd use a RogueWave class - templates have completely replaced those commercial libraries now.

Anyway, that should get you started.

February 17th, 2013, 05:30 PM
In my day, we'd use a RogueWave class...

I left a project not too long ago that still employed the use of RogueWave classes. Indeed it is old technology, yet still in use today.

The OP should be using the STL list (http://www.cplusplus.com/reference/list/list/), unless of course he is tackling a school-work assignment.

February 17th, 2013, 05:43 PM
Oh sorry, I forgot to put that. C++. Like... I know the concept of how to do it. I just can't make it work. It is something like this, right?

p->next = q->next;
p->back = q;
q->next->back = p;
q->next = p;
Assuming the original list is P->Q->R that will create Q<->P<->R.