View Full Version : Unity launcher and .desktop files

January 29th, 2013, 01:11 PM
Not sure if I should start a new thread for this question. I created a folder (in my home folder) to hold my .desktop files before installing them in the Unity Launcher. I did not copy them to /usr/share/applications or ~/.local/share/applications. Instead I dragged them from Nautilus to the Unity Launcher. I've tried to delete them by Unlocking them from the Launcher. But that removes them from the Launcher but they are still in the Launcher list created by: gsettings get com.canonical.Unity.Launcher favorites

For example, one entry listed by that command is:

How can I remove these erroneous entries?

January 29th, 2013, 08:14 PM
I'm so fed up with running CLI stuff for creating/modifying/validating/installing that I'm now writing a GUI for these fuctions.

January 29th, 2013, 10:00 PM
Posts moved to their own thread.

January 30th, 2013, 02:29 PM
I've written a GUI for creating, modifying, validating, installing & uninstalling Desktop Configuration Files in Ubuntu. It's written in Gambas3. It should pull down the required Gambas3 components (if there's a version/dependency problem on installation, you may need to add nemh's Gambas3 ppa (see https://code.launchpad.net/~nemh/+archive/gambas3 (https://code.launchpad.net/%7Enemh/+archive/gambas3)) to your Software Sources when installing it by use of Software Centre or gdebi after downloading it from the link below: