View Full Version : Skype bash script

January 22nd, 2013, 09:25 PM
I am trying to write a bash script that will send an email with the name of the person who is starting a chat in skype and also the content of the message.

From elsewhere I learn that the following script should load those items into variables, but I can not get the variables to show in the email.

Should I be using the echo command in skype_logged_in.txt?

# command entered into skype notification for first new message
sh skype_firstchat.sh "%sname" "%smessage"

# skype_firstchat.sh
ssmtp a@b.co.uk < ./skype_notifications/skype_logged_in.txt

To: a@b.co.uk
From: a@b.co.uk
Subject: $sname
