View Full Version : Error trying to compile Objective-c++: 'cc1objplus' No such file or director

January 19th, 2013, 01:51 AM
I'm trying to compile an Objective-C++ program in Ubuntu 12.04. I've done all of the following:

sudo apt-get -y install build-essential
sudo apt-get -y install gnustep
sudo apt-get install gobjc
sudo apt-get install gnustep-make
sudo apt-get install libgnustep-base-dev

When I try to compile with:

g++ test.mm -o test -lobjc -x objective-c++

I get this error:

g++: error trying to exec 'cc1objplus': execvp: No such file or directory

What step am I missing?

February 4th, 2013, 10:06 AM
Have you gobjc++ installed? If not

sudo apt-get install gobjc++